10. broken hearts

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Elizabeth was sitting on Tom's bed, in his bedroom. Tom had made her breakfast, he had it all on a tray. 

"Sorry, I am not much of a chef," he sat beside her, handing the tray, "Better than nothing though."

"Thanks," she grabbed the tray and started eating the breakfast, "You know I remember-"

"You remember?" his eyes started glowing again, "Remember what?"

"When you first came to Hogwarts, I was the one who gave you chocolate frogs when you felt discluded," she had crashed his hopes once again.

"Oh," the glow in his eyes faded away, "right."

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked, seeing how fast his expression changed. 

"No-no, you didn't," he painfully smiled, "Why did you come here though? What's wrong?" 

"A lot is wrong," Elizabeth put away the tray she was given, the food wouldn't go down from her throat. 

"Let me guess," Tom got more comfortable in the bed, "It's about Draco? Isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"Because-" he stopped a few seconds to think, "Well because, if you two were still together then he wouldn't let you come here. Not alone."

"I didn't even tell you that we weren't together anymore though, did he tell you already?"

"No-no," Tom regretted starting the topic, "Just my guess," Elizabeth stayed quiet, with that, Riddle went on, "Anyway, I'll leave you alone then."

"No-" Elizabeth reached for his hand before he completely left, "I feel so alone, please stay." 

"Alright, I will," Tom smiled and sat in his spot again.

"It felt like a nightmare," Elizabeth took a sip of the juice Tom brought for her, "Seeing him with another girl." 

"Then, what if our nightmares were our memories?" 

"Maybe," she agreed, putting away the juice, "But it's still a nightmare."

"The world isn't made up of unicorns and rainbows, Elizabeth."

She wondered at Tom's abilities to still make her laugh in this position.

"Sometimes," he scooched closer to her, "You'll see the part of the world that leaves you hopeless over and over again, but don't give up," he grabbed her hand, "Trust the universe, alright?"

"Alright," she agreed.

Tom slowly reached for her jaw. He turned her chin towards him. Elizabeth smiled, not yet aware of his intentions. 

Then, Tom stood up, he walked over to the side of the bed Elizabeth was laying on. In a sudden surprise, he went on top of Elizabeth.

He smirked at her reaction. 

Elizabeth's hands were holding each other right under her chin. Tom slowly separated her wrists and locked them in his hands, at each side of her head.

Tom lowered his head to reach her lips. He waited for a while before actually touching them. Elizabeth needed a distraction herself and decided it would be good to have a little fun with her revenge.

So without waiting for Tom, she made the first move. 

She reached up to kiss his lips. Tom didn't complain, he kissed her back. 

Elizabeth wanted to have a little fun, she surrounded her arms around Tom's neck and flipped him over on the bed.

Now, Elizabeth was on top of him. 

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