The Damn Cat:

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Suddenly I feel Clary's hand slap across my cheek. The anger builds up in me and I grab her hands, binding them together in my fist.

Then with my free hand, I tilt her chin up so she's looking up at me and start to kiss her again, hard. She protests, her lips solid against mine and her hands pathetically trying to push me away.

"Come on little sister. I know you want me."

I touch my lips to hers again, forcing them open. She tries to push me away but I hold her hands in an iron grip. I pinch her lip softly between my teeth and bite down on it, gently but hard enough to draw blood. The taste of her warm blood slips onto my tongue. I feel Clary's whole body tense against me.

I let out a soft chuckle and pull away.

"Good girl."

She glares at me as I step back from her which only widens the smug grin on her face.

Part of me is disappointed though. I wanted her to respond, kiss me back. She will. Soon.

"Clary?" Jace calls out into the living room.

I put a finger to my lips, indicating for Clary not to tell Jace about this. She runs over to him and wraps her arms around him, kissing him. I'm sure she does it just to anger me. It works.

I grab my coat.

"Where are you going?" Jace calls, having finally removed Clarissa from his face.

"Out." I snap then walk to the door.

"I'm coming." He walks to the door after me, Clary still attached to his hand.

"No. I need you to look after her." I nod to Clary, she continues to glare up at me.

Jace sighs. "Seb. Be careful."

I ignore him and pull open the door, letting in a cold breeze then step outside. I twist my ring again and my feet land on the muddy grass outside the Brooklyn institute.

I put my hand on the door and it swings open. There may be demon blood in me but there is also shadow hunter.

I glance around the hall, the walls are lit by candles and the carpet is dark colour, well trodden on. I stop suddenly as I walk on a dark shape. I draw my blade but when the small shape let's out a a strangled meow and hisses at me I slip it back in my belt.

Damn cat. I think to myself.

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