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I hope that the stupid animal hasn't given away my position and that the building is big enough to hide his meow from echoing for everyone to hear it.

I wait a few seconds for any sign of life before continuing my exploration. I don't really know what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something to use against Clary I suppose but I have no idea what form that'll come in.

Suddenly I feel something scratching down my back. I spin around and draw my sword, ready to attack but there's nobody there and suddenly I start to get sensations somewhere else. I bite my lip and try to ignore them but it's extremely difficult to concentrate on anything else.

I force myself up the stairs and try to notice every detail to distract myself, while at the same time remaining intently focused.

After a while I get too mad at Jace so I punch myself in the stomach hard. Thank god it stops. I think Jace got the idea.

I push open the door to Jace's room, where he picked up his jacket from and glance around. There's nothing really important in there so I leave fairly quickly. The next room I enter is fairly empty compared to the last.

There's a sketchbook on the bedside table and a box of watercolours next to it. I presume it's Clary's. Out of curiosity I flick open the sketchbook and scan through the drawings of angels and runes and- I flick back to the page and there it is. A drawing of me. You could argue it was Jace, we did look similar, but there were differences and I could tell by the dark way she had drawn it that the figure was meant to be.

The next few pages were filled with scribbles and dark pencil lines which seemed to mean nothing. In the corner of the page was a rune I didn't recognise. I remembered Clary's talent, a rune making ability. That would come in useful.

I move on from her bedside table, not putting much notice to the pile of books there. Instead I pick up her green rucksack of the floor and empty it out on the bed.

A make up bag, a book which looked considerably battered and had many page corners folded down, a set of pencils and a ring tied onto a piece of black string. I recognised the design of the ring at once, stars around a capital 'M'. Morgenstern.

Maybe Clary did accept who she was.

I slipped the ring around my neck and then in the corner of the room I noticed a blade. The handle was covered in the stars from my emblem and the blade glistened in the rising sunlight. I picked it up, answering it's calls to me and say: "Michael."

It flashes a beautiful silver and sits perfectly in my hand, the balance just right.

I walk out into the hallway again and check down it. A girl stands at one end of the hallway and frowns as she recognises me. Her hair is straight and black, it falls down past her shoulders. She's dressed in a tight dress and I recognise her. One of the Lightwoods I met in Idris while I was posing as Sebastian Verlac. Izzy.

I smile to myself as I remember the way she flirted with me then and the hated way she looked at me once she found out the truth.

"You look a lot like your brother, you know? The little one. Mark wasn't it?" I grin at her, hitting her straight where it hurts.

"Max." She says sternly then she grabs her seraph blade. I chuckle.

"You shouldn't play with that sweetheart. It's dangerous. You might break a nail."

"What have you done with Jace and Clary?"

I shrug, trying to annoy her further by not giving her a direct answer. It works.

"Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern! What have you done to them?"

I snap. I throw her back into the wall and stand infront of her, my breath against her neck. I raise my blade so it's against her neck, her eyes meet mine scared.

"Look Princess. Don't you dare call me that. And don't you dare raise your tone. You'll regret it when I'm king and the world's in ashes, I'll be the one with the choice to spare your life."

"That's not going to happen."

I grab her chin in my hand and force her head up.

"Oh it will. You know nothing of this world. It is not shadow hunters versus demons. It is me against the world. And trust me. I will beat it."

"Izzy!" I let go of her and step back as Jace's parabatai runs down the corridor. I place my hand on the ring on my finger and twist it.

I push open the wooden door of my travelling apartment. It feels somewhat like home.

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