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As I hear Jace's footsteps I pull apart from her quickly. Her arm drops to her waist and she takes the stele again, starting to etch a few runes into my skin.

Jace walks in, a smile on his face. "Ready to go?"

"One sec." I reply then the second Clary steps back I pull on my black tshirt again.

"Been working out Seb?" Jace jokes grinning.

"Shut up." I snap grinning.

I walk over to the white leather sofa and pick up my jacket, pulling it on.

"We'll be back soon. We just need to do a few things." I don't specify as to what those things are. Clary may be settling down and accepting her stay here but she isn't here by choice and I need to remember that.

Jace follows me to the doorway but pauses a little infront as he and Clary pull into a tight hug.

"We're only going down the road, not another dimension." I roll my eyes at the (over) enthusiastic embrace.

Eventually they pull away from each other and as Jace walks out I pull the door shut with a bang.

We head down the street together. To the unknowing eye we look like two teenage boys with average teenage boy problems like sex, girls and drugs. Not the survival of a pure race.

We reach the Market Street and Jace grabs my elbow, pulling me into a convenience store.

"Can we go in here quickly?"

"Jace- What are you doing?" I ask him, slightly confused by his sudden aversion to the plan.

"Getting supplies."

He walks to the back of the store and then grins at me smugly.

"I think there's two girls over there who look a little interested."

"Jace just hurry up."

I look over in that direction anyway, curious. Like Jace said, there are two girls in the corner giggling as they catch my glance. I roll my eyes inside to myself then wink at one of them- why can't I have my fun?

She blushes and turns to her friend grinning as I look back at Jace. He's holding a packet of condoms and a chocolate bar.

"This was what we had to stop for?"

"They're very important supplies."

"When are condoms going to be important?! It's not like they'll get us out of a life and death situation."

"If we need to repopulate the human race then-"

"Then we wouldn't need condoms, you idiot. And we wouldn't be able to." I snap. "Go buy your life saving condoms then."

Jace walks off to pay, ignoring my comments. I follow a little behind him. The girl from before stands in the isle, pretending to gaze over the chocolate bars and crisps but I see her eyes watching me. As I get closer she walks out.

Her body is slim and definitely sexy. She's wearing a black crop top so her flat stomach is exposed and because of the tight material the shape of her chest is obvious- and it's large.

Black skinny jeans show off her thin legs and on her nails is chipped black nail polish.

"Hey sexy." She smirks at me.

"Hey..." I try to convey my lack of interest with an unenthusiastic response. Leading her on now will just waste time, Jace is now second in the queue. "I'm in a bit of a rush." I say politely, then I don't know why I'm trying to be courteous to this weak human being.

"Oh sorry. Maybe you could call me later then."

"I've got a girlfriend." Sort of a lie, but 'I've got a sister' doesn't quite have the same effect.

"Oh. Sorry." She blushes then walks off.

I let out an exasperated sigh then walk to the front of the store, waiting for Jace. He holds the chocolate bar in his right hand, loosely. My hand shoots up and I snatch it from him grinning.

"Hey!" He protests.

I chuckle and turn to face the side of the street, trying to open the wrapper.

Jace reaches around my shoulders and under my arm trying to grab it back. Eventually I manage to open it and I take a bite grinning as I know it'll annoy Jace. I turn to face him and he snatches it back, the expression on his face I can only describe as pissed.

I laugh quietly to myself and Jace munches his chocolate bar as we walk down the street.

I tried to convey their friendship here.
Btw, the reason why Sebastian doesn't just stop Jace from going to the store is he doesn't want to.

He's perfectly capable of it, all it would take is an order but he let's the scene play out.


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