The Future:

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When I open my eyes I'm in my bed. Next to me, as I turn my head I notice Clary kneeling down. Her hands are clasped tightly around my right hand which dangles off the bed.

I start to sit up slowly but I bite my lip to hold back a cry of pain. My head's still spinning and when I move it, it feels like I have the worst hangover in the world. I groan.

Clary squeezes my hand softly.

"Woah. It's okay." One of her hands moves to my chest and pushes me back down onto the bed. It's then that I notice my chest is in fact bare. I'm sure it wasn't before...

I don't resist her, just let her push me down so my head sinks back into the pillow.

"What happened?"

"I don't really know. You passed out for about 2 hours after you hit your head so we put you here."

I nod in response.

"You're not going to thank me?"

I don't thank people. It is pointless and self demeaning. It implys that I need help and I should be grateful for that help. That is not true.

"Thanks." I murmur, for Clary's benefit. "Why'd you have the Morgenstern ring?"

"It's Jace's. I was just looking after it."

"Not because you're proud of the family name then? Like the fear it creates on the tip of the tongue?" I smirk a little at her. "Morgenstern." I whisper, pronouncing each syllable crisply, the sharp tone of my voice slightly threatening.

"I hate it. I hate our Father. I hate what he made me but more so what he made you. Demon blood. You were just his little invention."

"And you were his experiment, little sister."

She swallows.

"Come closer." I order her and she hesitates so I shuffle over so there's room for her next to me. She sits down on the bed.

I slip my arm around her waist and pull her down next to me. Her head is in line with mine.

"Do you think I'm insane?"

"A little."

"Do you think I'm broken?"

"I think you're fixable."

I roll over to face her rather than the ceiling and plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Will you let me go home?"

I frown. "This is your home."


"Don't." I snap. "That's not my name."

"To my real home. Will you ever?"

"If you join me, you can visit your family whenever you please."

"If I join you my family will hate me!"

"No they won't. That's why family is stupid. They'll love you whatever you do."

She looks at me, the green in her eyes blazing.

"Ever since I was a baby I've always been taught that to love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed. I even learnt to believe it. I mean my own mother hated me. I never loved. I never had anyone to love. Besides, I never wanted to. But you... You're different Clary. I've had sex with lots of women and creatures but never have I longed for anyone as much as I've longed for you."

"You shouldn't say things like that."

"Why not?"

"Because I know you don't mean them... You can't mean them. How on earth can you mean them?"

"By the Angel, Clary! Do you really not see? I will burn down the world for you, dear sister. I'm going to burn down the world. I only want you to be there watching. You to be Queen of the Ashes. My Queen."

"I can't step back and watch you kill people."

"They aren't people. They're filthy half blood creatures! We will make a pure blood race Clarissa. Our children will be the shadow hunters of the future. A perfect race."

"Besides the fact they'll all be inbred because you're my brother, Sebastian!"

"Forget about that. I can see how you feel Clary. You loved Jace when you thought he was your brother and I can see you love me."

"I don't-"

"Dialated pupils, elevated pulse." I smirk, my fingers having been on her wrist this whole time. "Plus, why would you be here at my bedside if you didn't like me?"

She starts to answer but I cut her off: "And- I don't believe it was necessary to take off my shirt little sister. That was your own doing."

Clary's cheeks turn a dark red, darker than her hair and I hold back a chuckle.

"See? You do like me."

"You're my brother."

"We're half different blood. I, half demon you half angel. They cancel each other out."

"You're only kidding yourself."

I shrug.

"It's working."

"You need to rest."

"I am."


"I'm fine." I snap and push away the covers from me. I ignore the banging pain in my head and get up slowly, hiding the grimace on my face.

Clary watches me closely, ready to catch me if I stumble.

As if I need her.

But I do need her. I want her to rule with me. I want her by my side. But a Morgenstern needs no one.

I am so sorry for not updating.
Schools been hectic and I'm not so sure about this chapter.
I'm thinking of changing pov next chapter, to Clary's.
What do you think?
Thanks for reading x

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