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"If we're going to do this we won't be successful alone. We'll need some others on our side." I say as I sit down.

"Night-children? Faeries?" Jace suggests.

"Faeries shouldn't be too hard to convince. They already don't want us as enemies." And the Seelie Queen and I are in the middle of a... relationship.

He nods. "We'll visit them this afternoon then?"

I nod and stand up. "Will you get me some coffee?"

"I'm not a maid." Jace retorts and I roll my eyes.

"Just hurry up about it. There's a shop around the corner."

I do want coffee but I want Jace out of the house more than I care for it.

"Fine. But you owe me."

He gets up, grabbing his coat from the hook by the door and slipping his keys in his pocket.

The second I hear the door click shut I get up. "Clary?" I call into the still house. There's no answer but I know she's there.

I run through my head ideas for an excuse to talk to her. I choose one. It's not my favourite idea but it'll work best.

I walk to my room and pick up my seraph blade. I gaze at it for a moment, a little hesitant. Morgensterns do not hesitate. Hesitating is weak. I run the blade down my palm, wincing as it makes a deep cut down my hand.

A drop of my dark black blood falls onto the white carpet, staining it a deep colour. I clench my hand into a fist then walk to Jace's room, knocking at the door.

"Clary?" She doesn't answer so I push the door open. She's sitting on the bed, her eyes following me around the room as I walk in.

"What?" She snaps carelessly.

I hold out my cut hand and she looks at it suspiciously, her eyes pausing at the black blood seeping out of the wound.

"Give me one of your runes." I order her.

"Ask nicely. Besides, you're not clumsy, how'd you manage this?"

"Its not your business to question me. Please do it."

She frowns at me but says no more. Regrudgingly she takes my arm in her hand.

"Stele's in my front pocket."

"Why don't you get it?" Her eyes fall to my front pocket frowning.

"Its more fun if you do." I try not to smirk, but it's in my tone.

She mutters something under her breath then reaches into my pocket. Her hand brushes against my leg and I allow myself to imagine for a second there are no layers between us. Just the two of us. As we're meant to be.

"Quit enjoying this." Clary's soft voice snaps in a reprimanding tone.

I open my eyes with a chuckle at her, not realising they were shut in the first place. Clary stands only an inch or so infront of me, holding my stele.

She runs it down my arm, not trying to be gentle. It doesn't hurt much though. When she's finished I put my hand up to her cheek and stroke it gently.

"Thank you, sister."

She looks down and pulls away glaring at me.

I step back, grinning again.

"Wear something sexy. We're going out."

Then I walk out.

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