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I walk into something. A person. And from the girly shriek they let out I can tell it's the Seelie Queen.

Damn it. I was too focused on Clary. If I'd angered the Seelie Queen...

I look up, expecting to see her face red with rage and her faerie side showing even stronger but no, she was smiling, smiling smugly.

"Are you alright there Sebastian? You look worried."

She knows. Of course she knows, she knows everything.

"What has she drunk?"

"Clarissa? Well my guess is a lot..."

"What did she drink?!" I ask, my tone firm to say I'm not in the mood for time wasting.

"You do not speak to the Seelie Queen like that." She clicks and a sharp pain hits me right in the chest, like a dagger in my heart, she tilts her hand and the dagger twists.

I grimace and shut my eyes tightly, trying to fight it.

"Forgive me your highness..."

The pain lessens.

"I'm merely anxious."

It stops.

The Queen nods.

"It would do you well Morgenstern to remember your place in this world. After all, once you reach the top the only place to go is down."

I want to tell her that Morgensterns do not fall, but

a) my father did

b) I don't wish to anger her further

So I stay silent.

"Her drinks were harmless really. Just make her a little impulsive to her feelings."

"You mean those feelings were her own?"

She nods. "Just intensified."

Maybe this isn't such a lost cause.

She does love me.

Well, she likes me.

And that's a start.

I don't actually know if the seelie Queen is able to do the sort of magic I mentioned above.
Oh well.

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