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"Sebastian?" A familiar voice calls out.

I turn around to face the direction it came from and see Jace, his brow sweaty from the heat of the room and strands of his blonde hair stuck to it.

"You seen Clary?" he looks at me worried. "She disappeared."

"No." I lie.

"You sure?

"She's not exactly hard to miss, bright red hair and all."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Let's find her and get out of here. Did you speak to the Seelie Queen?"

I nod. "Everything's arranged."

Just then, Clary walks out of the room upstairs, her hair messy and pulled back in an evidently quick ponytail as loose strands stuck out.

Jace smiles. "Hey, where've you been?"

She shrugs then walks over to me again.

Oh shit.

I grab her roughly by the wrist and take a tight grip, not caring if it hurts her. She pouts at me and I just sigh, dragging her downstairs.

Jace looks me up and down, confused. I frown and with my free hand twist my ring so we land on the floor of our living room.

Clary appears behind me and kisses my neck once. Jace glares at me and I frown. "That's enough." But she continues, slipping her arm around my waist.

"I said that's enough!" I shout then shove her hard back into the wall, the anger coarsing through me. "Now go to your room."

My shoulders shake and my hand is bunched up into a tight fist, ready to fight. Jace stares up at me, his pretty little face confused.


"Piss off." I cut him off then turn away, not checking if he's left. I rest my head against the wall frowning.

Every instinct in me is screaming for me to beat Clary, punish her. But then there's me and... And I don't want to hurt her.

I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to try and control my anger but they're all useless.

I need to kill something.

I run to my room, changing into more comfortable black gear then I pick up my trusted seraph blade.

"Ithreal." I whisper and the sword flashes silver.

I pick up my stele and draw a few runes on my skin: speed, stealth, strength and a glamour.

I walk back to the doorway frowning as I see Clary sitting on the sofa.

"Where are you going?" She looks up at me, her hair knotted but to my relief her eyes are back to their normal green shade. She looks almost like she has a bad hangover.

"I thought I told you to go to your room." I reprimand her but my anger at Clary has faded. I'm angry at myself.

"I couldn't sleep." She frowns and stands up slowly, walking the few steps towards me. "Where are you going?" She repeats.


"Can I come?" She asks almost childishly.

"No." I snap. Letting her come would be an easy way for her to escape.

She looks up and down my arms, noticing the runes and I think she pieces together that I'm going to fight.

"You want me to do your runes?" I can't really refuse that. Her runes are stronger than the ones I could draw. And the thought of her skin against mine is appealing.

I nod and hand her my stele, pulling off my shirt so she can do my back. Her light touch is skilled and practiced. This time she's gentle with the stele against my skin and as she draws the runes I trace the shape of them in my head, working out the types.

A little later she hands my stele back to me and I pick up my shirt, turning to face her. I almost mutter a thank you but I stop myself before I can.

All my anger seems to have faded, or atleast sunk back again behind a closed door.

Clary smiles, looking up into my eyes. She stands up on tiptoes and her lips touch mine. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around her waist and my lips respond to hers. I kiss her desperately, like this is the moment I've been waiting for all my life.

It's our first kiss. I forget the others. This means something. I feel it. She feels it.

I pull her to me, never wanting to let go but before I can stop it she's pulling away slowly. Her face has a light red blush on it and I swear the green in her eyes has intensified.

She looks like an angel. An angel and I'm the fucking devil.

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