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Sebastian's POV-

I try to keep Clary out of my thoughts, she's just a distraction. I have things I need to do.

"Jace!" I shout impatiently. He's had about an hour now to get ready. I don't know how it can take him so long.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

What a girl. He's probably primping himself and topping up his make-up or something ridiculous.

It takes him a few seconds before I hear his footsteps in the hallway and I see his familiar grin.

I roll my eyes at him, not bothering to question him for an explanation as it'll be longer than its worth and honestly... I don't want to know.

"C'mon." We walk out the door and slip into the busy Street unnoticed. Today we are in Venice. It is a hot summers day and already the air is heavy and humid, carrying smells of fresh fruit mingled with sweat. We push through the crowds of tourists, in the direction of an old abandoned church.

"You think Clary will be okay on her own?"

"Of course." I say hiding the slight worry that rises inside me at the thought of her harmed.

He nods and looks down, following the pattern of the stones on the road. We cross over and I direct us down a small backstreet, past an empty, derelict house. We follow the path around a bend and eventually it turns off into a church yard.

The yard is filled with slate grey gravestones in rows. Some of the gravestones are treated to fresh flowers while others have flowers which have lost their colour and the petals droop, or some have none at all, having been long since forgotten.

I don't pay much attention to them however, not stopping to read the quotes and names on each stone and instead walking up the gravel path to the old church. The walls are brick but it's hard to see them through the layers of ivy which coat them. There are large stained glass windows on each side but some are smashed and the ivy is starting to grow through them. There is also a large clock tower at the back but the clock shows the wrong time and doesn't appear to be working.

I push open one of the old oak doors and wander up the aisle. On the alter there is a cup. The cup. I walk closer so that I can see it in detail. The content of the cup is a murky grey liquid which doesn't look very appealing. I reach into my pocket and pull out a small knife, my fingers close around the carved wooden handle. I hold my arm above the cup, rolling up my sleeve to my elbow so my skin is exposed. The knife goes in through the layers of my skin and I wince. As I pull the dagger out slowly, a few drops of my blood splash into the liquid and the colour changes to a bright, blood red.

Jace watches from a few steps behind,his eyes fixed on my movements.

I close my hand around the cup and lift it. "Venio!" I roar, my voice confident and full of power. It echoes off the walls and it feels like an army behind me, at least there soon will be.

Jace and I then move on to an Institute. It's a short walk. I spend it holding the cup protectively against my chest, watching carefully that none of it spills. We walk silently up the small road to the entrance and I draw, my seraph blade, signaling to Jace to do the same.

I let him open the door, I can't because of the demon blood in me. I look at the 3 Shadowhunters in the room. An easy match. I put down the cup quickly in the doorway while they're not looking and run up behind them as they talk. Jace follows. I've given him orders not to kill only wound and disarm. I need these people.

He grabs a woman's arm and spins her around, sinking his blade into her thigh and parrying her counter attack with such force that her blade flies behind her and Jace reaches behind her to grab it, kicking her to the floor.

I go for the man directly in front of me. He knows I'm there now but I'm still faster and stronger and better. I jump over him, landing just behind him and then I kick him down, stepping down on his calf until there's a satisfying crack. I step infront of him and he groans in pain. His arm is splayed across the ground holding his blade. I reach down and take it from him, throwing it across the room. The third man looks terrified. He's seen what we can do yet still he draws his blade and lunges at us. With one hit I smash his blade out of the way and Jace catches it by the handle.

"Erchomai." I whisper with a smirk. "Watch them." I order Jace and walk back to the cup.

I'm hesitant now. All that Clary has said swirls around in me. Her warnings, her doubts... What if she's right? What if this isn't the way to fix the world?

But this is what I want. I want a pure race. A pure race who are loyal to me. This is right, this is just, this is good. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

I pick up the cup and slowly walk over to the Shadowhunters. I go to one of the men first. I sit him up and force his lips to the cup.


He resists but after I stand on his broken leg he becomes more willing. I step back and he rises, his eyes dark like mine. He holds the cup out and I take it from him. The woman resists too but after I threaten her she drinks it. The third man, the scared one, does not resist, just swallows and rises.

I step back. "My army of endarkened, my loyal soldiers, take your blades and fight for my cause. I have come. And I want the world to realise it."

Jace walks over to me, three blades in his hand. I hand them back to each warrior.

"Stay here. You'll be safe." I turn around and Jace and I walk out.

Just a little advanced warning to say that this story is coming to an end and will finish in the next chapter or the one after.

If you're enjoying it please vote. Thank you to all my loyal readers who have stayed with me despite the long wait.

I'm sorry about that, I've been quite busy and just haven't known how to continue from the point I left.

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