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I was sure I'd left it there. No, I was absolutely 100 percent certain. I ran alternative possibilities through my mind, other options for what could've happened to the ring.

I could've dropped it on the way... But no, I remembered putting it down.

Clary. I suddenly thought to myself.

If she had actually been in my room last night then she would have had the perfect opportunity to pick up the ring on her way out.

I walked down the hallway and pushed the door to Clary's room open slowly.

"Can I-"

I'm cut off by her shriek and Jace moves to cover her body instantly.

"What the hell Sebastian?!" Jace glares at me as Clary quickly pulls on her trousers again. "Don't you knock?"

"Get a room." I roll my eyes then realise how terrible my comeback is, seeing as they are in fact in a room.

"Pervert." Clary snaps and I bite my lip to hold back a grin. I think that probably just encourages her point. I do look quite perverted right now. It's their own fault.

"What do you want?" Jace almost groans.

"I'd like to speak to my sister. Alone."

He sighs and once Clary's dressed, moves away then walks out, shoving past me. I chuckle.

"Having fun, sister?"

She glares at me. "What do you want?"

"You've got something of mine I believe."

She frowns. "It's mine. You took it from me in the first place."

I reach out my hand for it but she ignores me so I sigh.

"Fine. We can do this the hard way then." I shove her backwards into the wall, knocking over a side table. I dig my elbow into her throat, soft enough not to strangle her but hard enough that it hurts. "Now give me the ring little sister."

She nods and I move back, out of her way. She pulls the necklace from her neck and drops it in my outstretched hand, rubbing her neck.


"My names not Jonathan. I object to being called that. I go by Sebastian now."

"Jonathan." Stubborn bitch. "Last night was- It can't happen again."

I frown a little. If there's one thing I'm not used to it's rejection.

"Nothing did happen."

"I guess not..."

"Did you like what little did happen?" I'm curious. Does she like me? Even the slightest?

"A little."

I smile a little. A genuine smile, something I don't do very much.

"But I love Jace and you're- you're my brother!"

My smile vanishes as quickly as it came.

"Well observed Clarissa. I see you've finally learnt to identify your family members."

She frowns at me. "Why do you have to be so bitter?"

"I'm not being anything. This is me."

"No it's not. I can see you in there. You're trying to get out. I can see Jonathan."

"Don't be ridiculous." Then I turn around and walk out, shutting the door.

"Jon- Sebastian!" I hear her sigh but by the time I get back to my room she's out of earshot.

I gaze at the Morgenstern blade. Damn I forgot to confront her about that.

Later. I tell myself.

I don't notice that I'm crushing the ring in my hand until the edges start to dig into my skin. I release it then untie the string, slipping the ring onto my finger. The fit is perfect.

I then move to sit at my desk, opening the book on the top of the pile there to page 198, where I left off. I scan down the page, trying to take in as much as possible but damn her. My mind is lost. All my thoughts lie with her and for fuck's sake I can't stop thinking about her.

I throw the book down on the floor and it shuts with a bang. It's a heavy book.

Tantrums Jonathan? The voice inside me asks, The voice that raised me. That beat me for having tantrums tutters.

"Shut up." I snap aloud.

There's a chuckle inside me. He's laughing. Laughing. How dare he? How dare he laugh at me?

I growl and smash my hand into the wall. I hear Jace cry out from the other room but I ignore him.

The laughter inside me increases.

"Shut up!" I shout and I punch myself in the stomach.

The force of the blow makes me fall down onto my knees.

But the voice inside me is still cackling so I hit my head against the wall. Jace cries out again in the other room and my door is pushed open.

I see a flash of red which I presume is Clary running over by my side. I feel her grasp at my hand and squeeze it.


I don't answer her, my vision starting to whirl. I feel like if I open my mouth I might be sick.

"Sebastian? What the-?"

I screw my eyes tightly shut and that's when everything around me fades into this one little black ball. Then there's nothing.

This chapter is a little weird.
I was just trying to get the idea across that Sebastian is in fact a bit crazy.
Yes it was in an extreme way but Yeh.
Sorry for any confusion.

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