The Seelie Court:

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After I've had my coffee I walk to the door and call into the house "We're leaving."

I doubt Clary has fulfilled my request. I still hope though. Jace walks over a minute later, his arm wrapped around Clary's waist. I glare at it with jealousy.

Soon. I tell myself. Soon.

And it's the only condoling thought I can give myself. She will be mine.

Clary wears a black skirt which goes down to the middle of her thighs. Her top is a turquoise blue colour and fits on her perfectly, creasing and folding in just the right places. She may not have worn something sexy but she still looks beautiful.

Jace is wearing something similar to me, jeans and a shirt, the top few buttons undone to give a casual effect and to fit with that theme, no tie.

I twist the ring the Seelie Queen gave me and all three of us appear in the corridor up to the Seelie Court.

Meliorn smiles as he recognises me.

"The Seelie Queen awaits you." I nod and walk into the main hall. Her throne sits at the head of it, the walls covered in what looks like ivy and little butterflies dotted around. I bow down infront of her and she let's out a squeal of delight.

Her face is a pale colour but at the same time beautifully golden. Her hair falls in ringlets around her perfectly shaped face. So beautiful yet, no where near as stunning as Clary.

"My Sebastian!" She giggles. I chuckle and look up at her with a humble smile.

"It's a pleasure..." She holds out her hand and I walk up the steps to her throne to take it. Then, she claps her hands twice and two faeries appear carrying trays of drinks which are a deep purple colour.

I look at the Queen who nods to confirm that they're in fact safe to drink. I take two and pass one to her, downing mine in one.

"Come." She orders after she finishes her drink. "The entertainment is next door." And I take her hand as she stands up, her beautiful gold dress trailing along the floor behind her and together we walk into the next room.

The first thing that hits me is the music, then the vast number of people dancing to that music. Everyone looks considerably drunk or high on fairy drinks. What I will probably be too in a few minutes.

I walk into the party, focusing on the Seelie Queen's hand in mine. Clary and Jace disappear into the crowd and I turn to the Queen. I bend down and stroke her cheek so her heads looking up at me, then I kiss her roughly.

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