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We walk back through the apartment door, grinning foolishly. Everything seems to be coming together, and because I'm happy, Jace is.

"Little sister?" I peer around the doorway into the living room and glance at the controllers on the coffee table and one of Clary's books on the sofa. "Clarissa? We're home." I walk down the hallway to her room and knock on the door. When there's no reply after a couple of seconds my heart begins to race and I bang on the door, harder. "Clary? Come out now. Before I get angry."

I put my hand on the handle and push hard, expecting it to be locked, however the door swings open with ease to reveal Clary's room, with an absence of any Clary.

I run around it frantically, checking the ensuite and any obvious hiding places. Her bag's gone from the corner where she keeps it...

Shit. I wont be beaten by my little sister in this fools game. She tricked me into trusting her. She made me think she could love me. She made me weak. She made me weak enough to love her. And look where it got me.

But there is nothing I can do. Because she has done all that. And I have fallen in love with her, as much as I hate to admit it. I long to have her, to hold her, to kiss her. To have her as mine. But I've fallen into her trap and I've enjoyed it. Now I was going to pay the price for trust and love and compassion.

I slam the door to her room hard as I walk out. I storm into the living room and kick the coffee table over. I grab the book which flies off it and chuck it at the wall with a cry. My body shakes uncontrollably and I punch the wall again and again and again. I look down at my hands and the knuckles are raw and bloody.

Jace runs in and I turn to him. His lips are moving but there is so much noise and shouting and screaming in my head that I can't hear, but it looks like he's shouting. I fall forward onto my knees and every nerve in my body is convulsing into flame. And the flame runs through my veins, making my blood boil.

I shut my eyes and I think of her. The noise is muffled, background noise now. She is all I can think of, red hair, a dotted path of freckles over her nose, bright green eyes. She smells of cinnamon and pancakes for breakfast, and hot chocolate before bed and all things warm and homely.

The noise softens. It changes to her breathing, a soft steady rhythm.

"Sebastian... Seb, calm down. It's alright. We'll get her back." Jace's voice cuts through my illusions and I open my eyes, standing up slowly and confidently.

"I know we will. We're going to find her. Let's go to the institute."

Jace nods and I grab my sword and the infernal cup. Then I take a step towards Jace and twist my ring. We land on the steps of the Brooklyn institute.

"Jace, open the door." He obeys and we walk inside. I'll look downstairs, you check above. If you find her bring her down here."

Jace walks up the stairs and I wander around the bottom floor of the institute. I pass the kitchens, where there is a sikly smell of rotting food and I pass the library, filled with old books. But I do not pass Clary.

I hear footsteps so I run back to the hallway but it's just Jace. He shakes his head at me and I frown.

"I was sure she'd be here. Are you sure you searched properly?"

"No, I just looked under a rock." He replies sarcastically and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I'll check downstairs again then." Jace suggests and wanders off that way.

Suddenly, I feel warm skin pressing against my neck and pale skinny arms wrapped around my waist.

"I knew you'd come for me." Clary whispers.

"Little sister..." Her voice brings a smile to my lips. I turn around to face her.

"Why'd you have to bring him?" She pouts. "I was thinking we could have some fun without him watching." I can't hide my smirk of satisfaction. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her softly, stroking her cheek.

A sharp pain hits me in the chest and I gasp. I look down and there's a blade in my chest. I can't help but wince.

"Well played little sister..." I whisper then pull the blade out smiling. No blade can kill me. I chuck it on the floor but frown. The wound burns, it does not feel like it is healing. "What- What was it?"

"The Sword of Heavenly Fire."

The sword which will burn out all evil. All of me.

I fall down onto my knees, my arms wrapped around my chest and the wound. A tear rolls down my cheek from the pain, or maybe from fear. Clary kneels down next to me and takes my hand. That makes me braver.

"Little sister, I'm sorry."

She looks pained. As if my dieing hurts her. She caused it.

I cry out in pain again as blood seeps from the hole.

"You stabbed Jace already didn't you?" She nods. "And the little angel is good enough to survive it." I spit out bitterly.

"I'm so sorry Sebastian." She leans down over me, her blonde hair in my face and her arms around my convulsing body. I shut my eyes for a few seconds, frowning and I let the fire within me rage.

"Not S-Sebastian. Jonathan." I force the words from my lips.

I feel so empty inside. There is nothing there. No anger, no hate, no rage. Only fear. I don't want to go...

Clary plants a soft kiss on my cheek and it feels better than any kiss we've had. It feels like love.

She leans back, away from me and I squeeze her hand with my last strength.

"I feel so light."

And then I drift away.

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