The Return Of The Penguin Boxers:

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Sebastian's POV-
The next morning I get up, dress, apply my runes and grab the Morgenstern sword, quickly naming it.

I walk to Jace's room and push open the door. To my annoyance he's still curled up in bed. I asked him to wake up 20 minutes ago!

I let out a long sigh then walk quietly to the kitchen, filling up a glass with water. I walk back to Jace's room with it and grateful for my soundless rune, creep over to his bed. Then, I tip the contents of it all over Jace's face.

He sits up with a start and gasps. Strands of his blonde hair are moulded and stuck to his face which is also dripping water. He looks around for a couple of seconds before he realises. He sighs and I see his muscles tense for a fight but then he remembers any pain he does me will hurt him too.

Jace stands up, glaring up at me and walks to the bathroom.

"You were meant to be up 20 minutes ago, Jace! We need to leave. What are you- Wait a second. Are those my boxers?"

My eyes fall to the familiar pair of penguin boxers Jace is wearing.

He frowns. "No. I wouldn't want to wear your boxers, Sebastian. That would be disgusting."

They look suspiciously like mine but I'm in rush, so I let it go. "Hurry up then. And don't wake Clary."

I walk out into the living room and sit down on the sofa, thoughts running across my mind.

"Seb?" I hear a soft voice in the corner of the room call out. Clary.

I turn around.

"What are you doing awake?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"You want to sit with me?" I pat the space on the sofa next to me and she nods, walking over.

Clary sleeps in an over sized shirt which I'm guessing belonged to Jace. It just covers her but her legs are exposed.

She sits down and rests her head to my shoulder.

"Why are you up this early?"

"Jace and I are going out."

"Aren't I invited?" She tilts her head and sticks out her lower lip, pouting.

"No. It's dangerous."

"I'm a shadow hunter too now."

"You're hardly trained, Clary."

She sighs. "What are you going to do?"

I don't answer, scared of how she'll respond if I tell her.

After a few moments she speaks again, her voice anxious.

"It's not to do with your plan is it?" She watches my expression which must somehow give something away. "No! Sebastian you can't destroy everything!"

"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with Clary."

"It is. My family, my friends-"

"Are human, weak."

"They're people. I'll never forgive you."

"Clarissa, don't you see I'm doing this for you? I want you to be my queen, to rule beside me."

"I don't want that Sebastian. Not on a world of ashes."

"There'll be a new race. A new race of pure Shadowhunters."

"You're exactly like our father." Clary gets up and throws a glare my way.

I grab her arm, just below her elbow.

"Stay." My voice takes on a soft note which just makes me hate myself.

She sighs and sits down again.

"Don't do it. If you love me at all..."

"I do. You're my world Clary. I don't need this one."

"I'm your sister Sebastian. Leave me alone."

"I know that's not how you think."

"You know do you? You know how it feels to have my boyfriend taken away from me and controlled by my psychopathic brother?!" Her voice increases. "You know how it feels to be dragged away from my parents? You know how it feels to look around and realise that the world I'm standing on might not last much longer? You know how it feels to know your parents are going to die?! You know-"

I cut her off. "I know exactly how it feels, sister. I am that brother. I am Sebastian Morgenstern and I am going to burn down the world."

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