Part 13: I Hate You

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I made the mistake of glancing back over at Michael. He took the chance to move close to me. "Please..." he begged.

I looked away again, but be continued to make his moves on me. He kissed my jawbone. I fought my instincts to react. My eyes closed as Mike's hands ran over my body very slowly.

"Come on, girl." He pulled me away from the window and onto his lap. I didn't try to pull away, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to.

"I hate you so much right now," I hissed as I pressed my lips on his.

Michael laughed. The limo stopped, so he picked me up by the waist and ran into the hotel.

I'm sure the paparazzi got at least one picture through the bodyguards that surrounded us, but I was beyond caring.

I moaned, exaggerating quite a bit, in Mike's ear, goading him on. He cursed under his breath and jumped into an empty elevator. The doors closed right behind us. "Fuck you," I growled, more enraged at myself than him.

"Language!" he scolded jokingly.

We passed right by Jackie and Marlon, who doubled over in laughter when they realized what they were witnessing.

Michael fumbled with the door knob because he was too busy staring at me.

I finally opened the door, gritting my teeth with fury. At the sound of the door closing, I met his lips again. My hands gripped both sides of his face.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," I repeated against his mouth. He chuckled deeply. "Sure, whatever you say."

Mike ran his hands up my body, pulling my shirt over my head in the process. I gasped. With another angry glare, I ripped his pants off.

He counteracted by pulling my pants down as well, throwing them on the floor.

"Do me," I purred.

"Damn, you're dirty tonight." Michael smirked and kissed my neck. I could tell there would be more hickeys there in the morning.

Mike groaned. "Did Stephanie ever make you feel this good?" I asked slyly.

He didn't answer. He was obviously avoiding the question, because he kept his mouth busy on my collarbone.

"Answer my question, Michael." I pulled back. He looked up at me. "Nope."

I smiled with triumph. He continued planting kisses lower and lower, until he reached my underwear.

Mike's finger ran along the rim of my panties. I shivered at the light touch. My breathing became ragged as he pushed them to my knees. He pulled me so my legs hung off the bed and kneeled on the floor in front of me. "Oh god," I whimpered. He kept trailing down my body till he finally found the "good spot".

I let out a cry of pleasure. Stars dotted my vision. Michael put my legs on his shoulders. He massaged my thighs absentmindedly.

I held onto the headboard, turning my head to scream into the pillow.

"Any apologies?" Michael said suddenly. He was teasing me when I was about to explode.

"Unngh, I don't hate you. you." I bit my lip and waited for him to start again. He did, not wanting to be cruel.

I looked down and saw that he was gazing up at me. This sent me over the edge into a climax.

"Son of a..." I didn't finish my sentence. Michael covered my lips with his before I said anything. "Do you really hate me so much?"

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut. He chuckled. "Just don't make puppy eyes at Stephanie like that, and I won't do that again," I said.

"Well if I get that again, then maybe I'll do it more," Mike joked. I shot him a deadly stare.

"Kidding," he muttered. I sat up and crossed my arms over my now-bare chest. My hair was a mess from Michael pulling his hands through it.

"You better be, or else I'm catching the next flight out of here."

He frowned. "Can we go to sleep now? I'm tired," I sighed. I clawed at the covers to get underneath them. Michael's hands caressed my back. "You okay now?" he asked. I nodded as I curled up beneath the blankets. He joined me.

Mike squeezed and rubbed my shoulders soothingly. I cuddled up against him. His hands were so warm and comforting. Sleep came easily when he was around. I was soon snoring softly.

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