Part 26: Here's Where It All Falls Apart

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Music blared from a nearby speaker. I nodded my head to the beat. When I turned to check on Mike, I was blocked by a tall figure.

"Hey, baby. You single?"

I was disgusted. He reeked. "Nope. Not even close," I responded, lacing my kind tone with a warning.

The man smirked. "That's okay. I bet he doesn't even treat you right," he said smugly. "Why don't I show you what a real man can do?" He forced his mouth on mine sloppily.

I pushed him off in horror. "Back away from me now, or I will gouge your eyes out with one of my high heels. Don't come near me ever again. You have no idea what kind of security I have. They will rip you a new one, bud."

He backed off immediately without protest.

I stood up from my chair and went to go find Michael.

Across the club, he sat at the bar. I tensed when I noticed a glass in his hand. He was absorbed in a converstion with the bartender, who was obviously staring at him the wrong way.

I stormed over, clutching Mike's arm. "We should get going," I said.

He pulled himself out of my grip. "Hold on." He didn't even look at me, just shooed me away half-heartedly.

I stood there, watching the man I was supposed to marry fawn over this busty bartender.

I tried again to release him from this trance. Michael finally turned to me.

"Okay! We'll go!" He laid some money on the bar and walked out with me.

We entered the lobby and rode the elevator up to our suite.

I closed the door and locked it, something I did now to prevent random brothers popping in as they pleased.

A hand grabbed my wrist and whipped me around. I stood face to face with Mike. "I saw you with that man at the club," he snarled.

I had my back pressed against the door. He was leaning against me with one leg in between both of mine. I was trapped.

"You're engaged to me, not that filthy son of a bitch!" he continued.

I was too afraid to argue. I just turned my head to the side slightly to avoid the spit flying on my face.

"How did he seduce you so quickly? When did you get so easy?" Michael roared. He pried me off the door and pushed me onto the bed.

He loomed over me. "Did he say I wasn't man enough? I guess you believed him, huh?" His hands ripped my dress right down the seam.

"Lemme show you how much of a man I am," he growled. He shoved my underwear off.

I whimpered. "Michael, no! You're drunk, stop it. Listen to me!"

Michael didn't hear me through his drunken, jealousy-fueled rage. He unzipped his pants and entered me.

I moaned. He was definitely a man. "Mike, okay...I get it...I-I-I..." I couldn't finish my train of thought.

"You feel this? He couldn't ever love you like me!" Michael hissed. He gripped me by the hips. "Tell me you love me, Lily. Say it. Say you love me."

I closed my eyes tightly and threw my arms around his neck. Tears flowed down my cheeks. This felt so good, but it wasn't being done out of love.

"Say it, Lillian! Tell me you love me!" Mike repeated. His voice got gentler, almost like he was pleading.

"I-I love you," I groaned.

He seemed satisfied enough. Without even finishing, he zipped up his pants and left me on the bed.

I lay there silently. Michael paced the room. He stumbled a little bit.

Now it was my turn to be angry. I sat up. "What, you're just going to leave me here without finishing?" I snapped. I know it wasn't the most important issue, but it's what came to mind first.

Mike glared at me.

"What's your problem? The bartender wouldn't let you take her up here and fuck her?" I gritted my teeth. "You should've. Apparently I don't matter when you're making puppy dog eyes at some whore."

"Shut the fuck up!" Michael screamed. "You're such a bitch, you know that?"

"I'm the bitch?" I laughed harshly, walking over. "May we go over everything I've done for you over the past--what, 13 years?"

Mike stopped pacing. "I took you out here. You didn't have to come. All you've done is delayed the album."

"Because all you want to do is bang!" I retaliated. "Go get a prostitute if that's what you want!"

"How dare you say that to me!" Michael came running at me. He stopped me from escaping by hooking his arm around mine.

I stared into his eyes. They were burning with anger and hate. Nothing like the Michael I knew.

I yanked the engagement ring off my finger. I threw it across the room. "Take it back. I don't want to be in an abusive relationship," I spat.

Mike's gaze softened. "I'm not like that..." he murmured.

I separated myself from him. "I saw it. You were going to hit me, weren't you? Just admit it."

"No! I wasn't! I was--"

"You were what?" I cut him off. "You were gonna rub my face? Because I saw your hand. You just wanted to slap me right across the face. Didn't you?" I sounded calm, but I couldn't stop the steady stream of tears.

"Maybe when you sober up AGAIN, you'll know what you've done wrong. But I don't wanna spend the rest of my life reminding you with bruises," I sighed. "I need to get out. Do whatever you want with the album."

Michael sobbed. "No! It won't happen again. I love you so much. Please stay!" he begged.

"You said that last time," I pointed out. I walked into the second bedroom. Before closing the door, I waved halfheartedly. My entire chest hurt. I was feeling physical pain from this heartbreak.

I heard things crashing on the other side of the wall. Mike was probably throwing anything he could find.

I cried myself to sleep, my dreams plagued with dark visions of being utterly alone.


The next morning, I packed my bags before Michael woke up. He was sprawled on the floor, looking like he aimed for the bed but missed terribly.

I bent down beside him. My eyes watered. "Good-bye, Michael. I love you," I whispered. I hesitantly ran my hand over his cheek one last time and stood back up. He looked so innocent, as if nothing happened last night.

Grabbing my bags, I hurried out the door. When I finally sat down in the limo, I couldn't help but feel lost. Mike had been my everything since I first moved from Colorado so many years ago.

"Where to, Miss Davis?" the driver asked.

I swallowed my fear. "The airport."

(Don't worry, it's not all over. I'll be posting the first part of the sequel tomorrow if I can. Thank you all for reading!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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