Chapter 5

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     "'s Cleo I need your help. My friend was shot and I- I don't know what do", I tried to stay calm, but I couldn't hold back my emotions.

     "Okay where are you?", I could hear her talking to Halstead in the background.

     "It's um... a cafe on the corner of Fourth and Pilsen, but I'm in the alleyway.", I ran back over to Lila as I talked.

     "Ok Cleo, we'll be right there. Everything's gonna be okay", she tried to calm me, but it didn't work.

     "Hold on Lila, help's on the way", I continued to put pressure on her wound when I heard the sirens.

     They loaded Lila into an ambulance and took her to Chicago Med. The Paramedic's said she looked like she was gonna make it, but there was never a guarantee. Instead of Hailey and Jay taking my statement two officers named Kim and Adam did. I recognized Adam, he was the one who went undercover as the drug dealer.

     "Let me give you a ride to Med", Hailey had come up and put her hand on my shoulder.

     "I- I can't", I tugged my shoulder away from her hand. 

     "Why not?", Hailey looked hurt when I tugged my shoulder away, but I hated people touching me. 

     "My boss will definitely find out about this if I go to Med. I'm better off just staying here."

     "You're safer at Med with me than you are here. Besides if we don't go to Med I'll have to take you down to the District so you can fill out paperwork", she was right. The boss would find out anyways.

     "Fine", I headed to her car.

     Once we got to Med this pretty dark skinned nurse came and told Hailey that Lila was still in surgery. I think her name was April, but I kinda zoned out. She let us stay in the Doctor's lounge because the waiting room was pretty crowded. I plopped down on the couch. I had gotten beaten, arrested, and saw my friend shot all in one day. It wasn't until I hit the soft cushions though, until I realized how tired I actually was.

     "You know you can take a nap if you want", Hailey looked over at me. I tried to keep my eyes open, but they felt so heavy.

     "Only if you promise to wake me when they have news on Lila."

     "I promise", it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

     I was five. I had just gotten home from my first day of kindergarten. My mom had me ride the bus home with her friend's kid who was nine. I was so excited to show mother my new crayons and picture I drew at school that day.

     All that excitement washed away when I heard my parents arguing in the kitchen. I didn't understand it, but I just sat on the stairs listening. Waiting. Hoping that the excitement I had felt moments ago would return.

     It didn't.

     I heard the glass shatter first then the screams. I was terrified yet I was still curious. My dad had thrown a vase at my mother. Thankfully he missed. He was always too drunk to see straight. I stood in the doorway stunned.

     I should've stayed on the stairs.

     Once my father saw me his anger shifted from my mother and onto me. He threw the plate first, knocking me down. Then the punches started flying until-

   I woke up in a cold sweat. Hailey was on the ground. I immediately knew I punched her. Every time Layton tried to wake me from a nightmare she'd have a nice new shiner. She eventually learned to let me wake up on my own.

     "Oh my gosh, Hailey I-"

     "It's okay. I'm fine, but is there something you need to talk about", she rubbed her cheek and sat next to me on the couch.

     "I'm fine...just a bad dream that's all. Any news on Lila?", most of me was curious, the rest of me really wanted to change the subject.

     "I'm sorry Cleo, she didn't make it.", Hailey put a hand on my shoulder, this time I didn't tug away. 

     "I can't believe she's dead I-", I couldn't even finish before I started sobbing. Lila was like my protective older sister. She was always there when I needed, but never asked questions. 

     Hailey wrapped me in a hug and we just sat there for awhile.

     "What's gonna happen to her cafe?", I had finished crying. "That cafe meant everything to her."

     "She has family in Atlanta that's going to take over. They agreed to keep running it in her honor, but she left you these", Hailey slid over a box full of books. "You like to read?"

    "Yeah, Lila actually got me interested in it. I was stubborn at first like always, but I love it now. Reading makes the world around me melt away when I need it to disappear most", I looked through the books in the box. 

     "Ever thought about writing?", Upton stood up and started making her a coffee.

     "No. I've always thought I'd make a good Detective though. I'm stubborn as hell, but I like to think I'm tough. Doesn't matter though...once I leave this hospital things will go back to the way they were."

    "You kn-", Hailey was cut off by April.

     "Some people are here to talk to Cleo", I turned around and my face turned pale.

     It was Micheal and Isa.

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