Chapter 20

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     Nathan and I went to the same diner we always do. The one where we ran into Jay and Hailey. I ordered French toast with berries on top and bacon on the side. Nathan got pancakes, hash browns, and bacon. 

     We ate in silence and I knew it was time to tell him the truth. Time to tell him everything. I took a big swig of my orange juice and just let it out. "You want me to open up, so I will. Only on one condition though, that you promise whatever I tell you, however it makes you feel that you'll keep it between us."

     "You're scaring me a bit Cleo. I promise though, whatever it is I'm here", He raised his eyebrow as he shoved another piece of bacon into his mouth.

     I looked around, paranoid then lowered my voice. "I'm helping Intelligence. We're getting out."

     "Wait, what?", Nathan raised his voice, but lowered it once he saw the worry on my face. "What do you mean we?"

     "I made a deal. I help them get our boss, they help us. I know it sounds crazy, but Hailey is gonna help us get an education or a job. We'll have a life. A real life, not the one we think we're living", I leaned across the table looking him in the eye, searching for a clue to what he was feeling. His expression never changed. 

     "Cleo, that's great, but you know you can't go through with it. He'll find a way to kill us both even if he's behind bars", my stomach did a flip.

     "Hailey and Jay are gonna watch us. We'll be under protective custody until the threats gone. I know it's a risk, but think about it. In five years I could be dead because of this life. We could've died that day of the shooting. I don't know about you, but I'm not dying protecting our scumbag of a boss."

     "Ok, then what's the plan.", I raised an eyebrow in response. "Cleo, I'm in. It's just me and you. We're in this together, but you need to clue me in."

    I smiled grabbing his hand. I felt relieved as I told him the plan. Nathan didn't like the fact that we would be the only ones getting out, but neither did I. On the other hand, they would probably rat me out if I told them all this. I love Micheal, he's always been like a brother but he wouldn't risk this. Not for me, and Isa would just follow his lead. Hunter...I just can't see him being tough enough. He'd be so nervous that he'd rat himself out.

     "We should probably head back", Nathan said putting money on the table. 

        Once we got back I immediately called Jay. If Nathan knew, that meant he was a co-operating witness. He wouldn't even have to do community service.

     "You aren't backing out on me are you?", Jay laughed as he picked up the phone.

     "No, just wanted to let you know I talked to Nathan. He said there's no bad blood as long as you're not still mad from when he liked Camilla", I heard footsteps and I knew I needed to end the call. "Anyways, see ya tonight."

    The boss opened the curtain to my room. I dropped the phone and offered up a half-smile.

     "Who were you talking to?", the boss sat down on my bed un-invited.

     "Ryan. The guy has the brain of a goldfish, so I was just reminding him to be there tonight", I sat down nonchalantly.

      "That's not your burner", he looked at the phone that sat on my bed. Shit, I forgot I had a secret one just for Jay.

     "What do you mean? Don't tell me you have the brain of a goldfish too", I joked trying to cover up my nerves.

     "Cleo, that's not your burner. So where'd you get it", he stood up, but I remained calm.

     "Look, I broke my other one during the shooting. You were already on my case, so when I visited Ryan the other day I picked one up. It's not a big deal", I stood up and put my hands in my back pocket.

     For a minute you could hear the silence. Just for a minute.

     Out of nowhere he put one hand on my neck, one on my shoulder pushing me into the wall. He kept squeezing tighter, laughing at the fact I was gasping for air. He came close and whispered something into my ear "If I find out your lying, I will kill you. That's a promise", he let go and left my room liked nothing had happened.

     I sat on the ground holding my chest as I caught my breath. Eventually the coughing stopped and I gained my composure, If Nathan were to see me like this, he'd freak out. I couldn't handle him telling me to back out. 

     I decided to head for the showers as I grabbed a graphic tee, leggings, and a ribbed turtleneck to hide the bruises that would inevitably appear. By now, I'm a pro at hiding bruises from people I care about. 

    I was brushing my wet hair in my room when Nathan walked in.

     "What's up?", I asked giving him a peck on the cheek.

     "I know you opened up about why you've been stressed out, but you never told me about your nightmare", he gave me that worried look as I sighed in frustration.

     "Don't do this, not right now."

     "Do what?", Nathan raised his voice a little until he realized he upset me. "I'm sorry for prying Cleo, but I'm not gonna let you act like life is all sunshine and rainbows. You can't hide from your problems."

     "Excuse me?", I stood up throwing my brush on my bed. "You know what...I don't need this right now. I have the whole Ryan situation later tonight and I don't need you on my case. Just...get out."

     Nathan was about to leave when he mumbled something. "I won't apologize for caring about you."

     I wanted to apologize, tell him everything but I couldn't. I just let him walk out like I've let everyone who has cared about me do. I pushed back the thoughts. They can wait, me getting Nathan and I out the gang can't.

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