Chapter 7

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     A week in isolation sucked. I spent almost all of my time reading or watching TV which can surprisingly get boring after awhile. I knew consequences were waiting for me, but in some odd way I was ready to go back.

     I packed up all my clothes and the box of books and headed out. I walked in the alleyways, per usual except for when I got five blocks out I had to take the sewer passage. Nasty didn't even describe it, but it's not really up to me. I used one hand to hold on to my belongings and one to climb down the ladder. The disgusting trash filled water splashed when I reached the bottom. 

     Even though I hated the water splashing on me I ran to the door that connected to the warehouse basement. Anything to get me out of there as soon as possible. Once I opened the door I saw Layton sitting in the basement waiting for me.

     "You know you scared the hell out of me", Layton ran up and hugged me. I think it was actually the first time we had ever hugged even though we were best friends. 

     "Yeah, I'm sorry", I let go of my best friend and started heading upstairs with her. 

     "Put your things away, then the boss wants to see you", some random kid I had never seen before came up to me.

     "Who's that?", I asked Layton plopping onto my bed.

     "New recruit. He's a jerk if you ask me", Layton rolled her eyes.

     "May I ask why?", I said raising an eyebrow and laughing, I could tell when my best friend had a crush.

     "Oh, just go see the boss", Layton threw a pillow at me as I walked out.

     I knocked on the door frame of the boss's office. My palms were so sweaty and I was nervous, but I had to pull it together.

     "You wanted to see me boss", I stood there, hands in my pockets so he couldn't see them shaking.

     "Yes, the new recruit Nathan will be joining your team. I know you don't like outsiders, but this is punishment enough. Unless you want to lose your leadership role altogether", the boss leaned back in his chair and grabbed a new cigar. I swear one day that man will die from smoking so much.

     "No, sir. I'll make it work", the boss dismissed me and I headed back to my room. 

     I spent the next thirty minutes organizing the new books Lila had given me. When I put them all away I noticed something at the bottom of the box. It was Hailey's card with a note on the back that read 'if you ever change your mind I'll be here. whenever you're ready'. It put a slight smile on my face until the new recruit walked in. I quickly slipped it in the book I was holding.

     "Boss said you need to train me or whatever", I already didn't like this kids attitude.

     "Ok, lesson one. I'm your superior so quit the attitude. Second you take orders from me even if you don't like 'em. Lastly, have the team's back or I will take you out myself", Nathan blankly stared at me. "Come on."

     I showed Nathan our usual escape routes incase something goes wrong, which gun was his, and where our gear was. There wasn't much for me to teach him. Before you get initiated you go through the tough stuff. The interrogation test, how to shoot, and the last one I like to call. 'are you a wimp test' because they basically see how long you can take a beating for. Luckily I never had to do that since I was so young when they brought me in.

     "So, what's going on with you and Layton", I asked Nathan once we were finished.

     "What do you mean?", he looked at me with his gorgeous blue eyes and that stupid goofy smile of his.

     "I mean she seems to think you're a jerk or something like that", I chuckled. I knew how she really felt.

     "Oh, probably because I don't like when she hits on me...", I felt bad for Layton. I could see it on her face that she really liked Nathan and she hasn't liked someone in forever. Honestly it made me happy to see her like that. How could Nathan not like her.

     "Why? I mean not trying to be rude, but Layton is the prettiest girl in the gang and one of the smartest too."

     "Why don't you date her then", Nathan started laughing as I punched him on the shoulder.

     "Well it's late, and I haven't slept good in weeks so I'm gonna head to bed. We got a deal tomorrow so be ready" I rubbed my eyes trying to exaggerate how tired I was.

     "Yes ma'm", Nathan looked me up and down as I walked away.

     Was he flirting with me?

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