Chapter 15

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     For the first time, I slept in. I didn't have any nightmares last night, and I I know that feeling will only last a little longer though.

     "Hey, you're up", Will peaked his head into my room. "How you doing?"

     "I'm fine", it's the first time in a while since I've actually meant it. 

     "Good, someone's here to see you", I expected Nathan, but I was greeted by Hailey's smile.

     An awkward silence filled the room. I'm already bad enough at socializing, and these circumstances weren't helping. "Is Jay with you", I don't know why I asked, but it was better than the silence.

     "Yeah, he drove me here. Why?", Hailey raised an eyebrow as she took her coat off and sat in the plastic chair next to me.

     "I don't's just you two hang out a lot.", I may not know them very well, but I can tell by the way the look at each other that they're in love. I've read too many romance novels to not ask about their relationship.

     "We're partners, and anything outside of work is our business", Hailey gave me 'that look'.

     "Thank goodness you guys are together because watching you two deny your feelings was very painful and I only witnessed it in a stupid interrogation room and once at that diner. I can't imagine how long your friends have been suffering", Hailey and I laughed at my remark. 

     "Enough about that. How are you doing?", Hailey looked like she already knew the answer to that.

     "I'm okay...", at least I was right now. If you would've asked me that a couple days ago I probably would've broke down.

     "Will, um...he told me about the nightmare you had before your head CT and your whole freakout during. Wanna talk about it?", I felt embarrassed, ashamed even and I don't know why.

     "It's nothing", I wasn't very convincing.

     "Cleo, I know what happened to your mother and I'm sorry. I went through something similar as a child. It wasn't nearly as tough as you had it, but my father beat on me and my mom too. She's still with him to this day even though I beg for her to leave him. I used to have nightmares too, so if you need anyone to talk to...I'm here", Hailey put her hand on my leg which slightly made me jump. 

    "It's been awhile since I've felt somewhat okay. I'm not gonna let you come in here and try to bring up those memories. That's not what I need right now...just let me enjoy the peace for once", I felt selfish, but I couldn't talk about it. Talking about it meant reliving it.

    "Okay...sorry", the awkward silence returned.

     We sat there for a good ten minutes just staring into space. Hailey was about to open her mouth to say something when Jay appeared in the doorway with two coffees.

     "Hey", Hailey stood up and kissed him on the cheek as he gave her the coffee.

     "So, Cleo I think we've got a deal worked out", Jay said as they both sat down. "After we get your boss you and Nathan will go into protective custody for a few weeks just to make sure rival gangs don't want some revenge, or if your boss had buddies we don't know about. From there you can figure out if you want an education, if you just want to find a job immediately, or if you'd even be interested in the police academy. Whatever you need Hailey and I will be here to help."

     "So that's it. Nathan and I don't get any charges against us?", it sounded too good to be true.

     "Well, since you aren't clueing in Nathan for his own safety he won't be considered a co-operating witness. You'll walk away clean while Nathan will just get a warning and have to do some community service. It won't go on his record though", Hailey reassured me.

     "Ok so when do we start?", I wanted to get it over with. One last wave of fear and anxiety until it was all over.

    "Not too soon. We don't want it to be obvious you were approached in the hospital. A week after your discharged talk to your boss about a 'new buyer'. That will be Jay. We'll do the deal follow you back to the warehouse and pop him", Hailey looked like they had it all figured out. They didn't.

     "First of all the boss hates change and I doubt he even agrees to the deal. Second the boss doesn't keep any drugs in the warehouse, he has several stash houses which he never goes too. So doing a deal and following us back to the warehouse isn't smart especially when I could literally just tell you where it is. Plan sucks", I looked at my hands. I had started to pick at my thumbs without even realizing it.

     "No it doesn't. We know there are no drugs in the warehouse, but the deal incriminates him. That's why we have to do that instead of you giving us the address. Following you guys back to the warehouse will give us the opportunity to snatch up most of the gang. I guarantee from there we can get most of them to flip on your boss", Jay looked proud of himself. Like he was some kind of genius.

     "That's what you're not understanding!", I raised my voice more than I should've and the monitors were beeping from my heart rate greatly increasing. "They won't snitch. I'm the only one who will and I'll probably be dead by the end of this!"

     Will walked in with April. I hadn't even realize that I started to sweat and breath heavy. Jay and Hailey looked stunned. "Jay, Hailey let's give her some space", April showed them out.

     It didn't take me long to calm down once they left the room.

     "You okay?", Will asked checking my vitals.

     "Yeah, I just got a little anxious that's all", Will looked at me with sympathy when I said it. I hated that look.

     "Okay, get some rest. Your heart rate's getting back to normal, so I'll check on you later", he patted me on the shoulder as he left.

     It was all too much to take in. If this worked, I would be getting the life I've always fantasied about except without my friends. Micheal and Isa would want this too. And Hunter. How could I put him in jail after everything he's been through? If this didn't work I'd get Nathan killed. Maybe staying in the gang was easier, but I'm done being a coward.

     I'm never going back. Whatever it takes.


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