Chapter 13

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     When we got to Med they immediately put me in treatment room 6. April, the nurse that greeted Hailey and I when Lila was shot got my IV started. I hate needles, and I'm surprised I didn't break Nathan's hand when I squeezed it. 

       "Alright, Cleo. What's going on?", a red headed doctor walked in. I read the name on his scrubs, Halstead. This wasn't good.

     "It's stupid really, I was riding my skateboard without a helmet and I wiped out. Didn't think anything of it until I passed out. Then Nathan brought me here", I rubbed my sweaty hands together. I was good at hiding my anxiety, I've been doing it for years. Today was just one of those days.

     "Any headaches, dizziness, nausea, blurry vision?", Dr. Halstead asked as he shined a light in my eyes. 

     "All of the above", I squinted once the light disappeared. I wouldn't admit it, but it stung really bad.

     "Ok, well we're gonna run some tests, but I'm thinking you just have a bad concussion.", both April and Dr. Halstead stepped out of the room. 

     "That skateboard thing was a good idea. I don't know how you do that", Nathan looked up from the floor and met my gaze.

     "Do what?", I'm not really sure what he's implying.

     "You can come up with a lie to save anyone's ass in like three seconds and nobody even blinks."

     "Let's not talk about this here", paranoia or not, I knew it wasn't a good idea to discuss this right now. "Why don't you go get something to eat? I mean you were shot today. Even if it just grazed your arm.". It felt crazy  that it was only 6 P.M. Today felt like a lifetime.

     "When are you gonna stop worrying about others and start taking care of yourself", Nathan laughed, but it kinda hurt me and I didn't know why. "Be back in a few", Nathan left.

      I was tired and honestly this hospital bed is the comfiest thing I've sat in for awhile. I laid my head back on the pillow and pulled up the blankets to my shoulders. It didn't take long till I dozed off.


     I remember it like it was yesterday. You know how a lot of people don't remember their toddler years? Like one day you woke up and you were six? That wasn't the case for me.

     It was the end of the school day and I waited by the door that led outside. Kindergarten and first grade classrooms had doors that led to the outside and parents would pick you up there. The teacher would stand in the doorway and call your name when your parent/guardian was there. I was used to being one of the last ones, but this was different.

     Once all the kids were dismissed a lady in a suit came up and started talking to my teacher. Then they approached me. My heart was beating out of my chest. I knew something was up, but what I didn't realize that my life was going to change forever. Life? Hell I was in first grade, my life hadn't even started.


     I jumped as Dr. Halstead looked at me with concern. I didn't know whether I was glad it was him and not Nathan, or if this was worse. 

     "You okay?", he lifted his hand off my shoulder.

     "Yeah um...bad dream I guess. Where's Nathan", the plastic chair that sat next to my bed was empty.

      "We're sending you up for a head CT and he didn't want to wake you. He's in the waiting room, and will be here when you get back", April and one other nurse I didn't recognize wheeled me upstairs.

     The machine was loud and honestly annoying. Lying still was the worst part though, especially with my nerves. I hated feeling like this, and it's been a recurring event recently. April said the scan would take about 15-30 minutes which didn't seem long until you're actually in the machine.

     It's your fault. I keep repeating it to myself. If I would've just taken Hailey's offer none of this would've happened, but then again everything happens for a reason. If I took the offer right when she offered I never would've met Nathan. He probably would've ended up in a different gang anyways though. I wish we could escape all this.

     I feel the sweat dripping down my face and that's when I hear it. At least I thought I did, but it couldn't be? I've had dreams recently, but it all just now came flooding back.

     The cuts, bruises, tears. It started when I was almost five and didn't end till I was six. I could hear my moms sobs like I was still there. I could smell the alcohol and the febreze that tried to hide it.

     I wasn't supposed to move, but I felt trapped. My chest was tight. I could hear Dr. Halstead walk in and tell me to stay still, but I couldn't. 

     Once I stood up and turned away from him, I grabbed my chest and tried to breath. It was hard and the crying that randomly started wasn't helping either.

     "Cleo, let's sit down", Dr. Halstead sat down next to me on the table. My breathing was slowly getting back to normal.

     "I'm sorry, Dr. Halstead", I couldn't look him in the eyes. It would reveal too much of my emotions.

     "Don't be, and my name's Will by the way", we just sat there until I completely relaxed. 

       Then out of nowhere it just came out. I can't believe it took me this long to realize it. I might've accidentally blurted it out, but I'm glad I did. Especially because I meant it.

     "I want out."


    Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. It's really hard to know if people are liking my story without feedback. I would really appreciate some. Feel free to comment, vote and even dm me on Instagram -jayxupstead if you have any input! Thanks for reading :)

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