Chapter 21

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      The drive to the Silo's was silent. Jay was already there when we pulled up, saving me from the complaining the boss would've done if he wasn't. 

     "Thanks for meeting with me, I'm Ryan", Jay extended his hand while the boss gave him the death stare.

    "What did I tell you Ryan? The man is all about business", I walked over to Jay putting my hand on his shoulder as I let out a little chuckle. "Tell him what you want. I'm not your baby-sitter", this received a laugh from everyone including my boss. I didn't even know the man could laugh.

     "Three kilos", Jay walked back to his car pulling out a dark green duffel bag. "I'm even willing to pay half now. Consider it a good faith payment."

   The boss took the bag examining the money. "Okay...come here at 3 P.M tomorrow. Hate to be this way Ryan, but I've got guys everywhere. This is your warning. If you plan on messing with me, you might want to re-think that."

     "Trust me. Ryan's as solid as they get", I started to head back to the SUV with my boss. The ride back was just as silent as the ride there, but this time I could relax. Things had went better than expected and in less than twenty-four hours this would be officially over.

     I opened the curtain to my empty room. I don't know why I thought Nathan would be waiting for me. I guess part of me was just wishing he would be. That we could put the whole argument behind us and move on with our lives. I was about to change into my pajamas when my burner phone buzzed. I got a text from Jay that read:

    Need to talk. Meet me at a bar called Molly's. 1925 West Wolcott

     I texted back: Boss has the keys to all of the cars and it will take me forever to walk. Can you pick me up?

     Jay: Sure thing, where?

     Me:  Lila's old diner. Be there in 10  

     Jay: Hailey and I are on our way

     I grabbed my white beanie and slipped on my puffer jacket. The walk to what used to be Lila's diner wasn't long and Jay's truck pulled up a little while after I had arrived.

     "Hey", Hailey greeted as I hopped into the truck.

     "What's going on?", I asked as Jay started driving. I wouldn't admit it, but the whole walk over I couldn't stop thinking that something was wrong. 

     "Nothing much. Just need to clear some things up and thought you might want to officially meet the rest of our team", Jay flashed a smile through the rearview mirror.

     "You mean meet them without being in handcuffs", I let out a chuckle as did Hailey. 

     We pulled up to what I guess is Molly's because of the sign. It seemed like a lot of people were there, and I honestly don't know if this is the greatest idea. I am still in a gang.

     We walked in to people drinking and having a good time. Jay waved at the guy working behind the bar and sat down at a table. 

     "You know I'm only nineteen right? It might amaze you, but I've never touched a lick of alcohol and never plan too", I said as I took my coat off. I don't stay away from alcohol because I'm under age. I stay away from it because I've seen first hand what it can do once you become addicted. I've only ever had one goal in life and that was to be nothing like my dad.

     "Just because you can't doesn't me we can't either", Jay laughed. "I'm gonna go get us some beers", Jay touched Hailey's arm as he walked toward the bar.

     "You're awful smiley", I joked with Hailey.

     "Oh, shut up", Hailey rolled her eyes as two people walked up. I recognized the guy, Adam Ruzek and I have seen the girl but I don't remember her name. "Hey, Cleo this is Adam and Kim."

     "Hey", I felt so awkward. Not too long ago I was threatening to black-mail Jay and now they act like we've been friends forever and things shouldn't be awkward. "You guys both work in Intelligence right?"

     "Yeah, we've all worked together for a while now", Adam said taking a swig of his beer.

     "I'm betting Kim's the better cop", Hailey and Kim started laughing while Adam just looked clueless. "I mean who busts a dealer in my gang and then tries to go undercover to bust the same gang in the same week. Amateur hour if you ask me."

     "Ok, I like her", Kim moved to sit next to me.

     I ended up meeting everyone in the Intelligence Unit, except for their boss Voight. I learned that Molly's is owned by some people they're friends with at a Firehouse 51 and I got to meet a couple of them as well. They all treated me like family, like I wasn't some gang banger. 

     "We better get you back", Hailey said as Jay put some money on the table.

     I put on my puffer coat and ran towards Jay's truck. I don't think I'll ever get used to Chicago winters. 

      "Where are we supposed to drop you off?", Jay asked turning the heat on.

     "Um...where you picked me up is fine. Thanks", I gave them my famous half-smile as I watched the buildings go by through the window. "Before we get there, why'd you really take me out? Not complaining because it was nice getting to know your friends and all, but I feel like there's more to it."

     Jay and Hailey looked at each other, contemplating whether they should tell me what they're thinking or not. "Tomorrow we're gonna arrest you and Nathan."

     "What", I cut Jay off before he could finish.

     "Just listen. We're gonna put you in cuffs and bring you down to the station to make the others think you were blindsided as well. It will make the target on your back smaller. I guess we just wanted you to trust us before everything went down. We want you to know we are on your side", Hailey said turning to face me. 

     I felt the truck stop and I hadn't even realized that we had been driving for awhile. I opened the door but stopped before I stepped out. "I trust you guys with my life. I don't have another choice. See ya tomorrow."

     I headed back to the warehouse knowing that soon, I would never have to go back there again.

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