Chapter 25

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     I stood there frozen. If it wasn't for Hailey pulling me behind the kitchen island, I don't know if I would've snapped out of my trance.

    "Are you okay?", she frantically looked me over, making sure I wasn't shot.

     "Hailey, I'm good. Thanks", she took a deep breath realizing that I was okay. 

     "Hailey!", I could hear Jay get out of bed. "Are you okay? What was that?"

     "I'm fine", Hailey stood up from our crouched position behind the counter. "Someone knows Cleo is here. That was a gun shot."

     "From where though?", that's when it hit me. There was no broken glass or a bullet hole in the wall. My thoughts were interrupted by my feet instinctively running towards my room. If the offender was after me, what if he thought I was sleeping. What if he shot Nathan?

     "I'm okay, Cleo", Nathan assured me as soon I stepped into the room. Except he wasn't okay, he was holding his arm. "I re-opened my old wound though, jumping out of bed."

     "I thought it should've healed by now", I walked over to him as he lifted his arm from the wound. It wasn't bad but it wasn't exactly pretty either.

     "Not if it wasn't stitched properly", he laughed. How could he think this was funny?

     "You guys good?", Hailey walked in with Jay at her heels.

    "I already told you I'm fine. Nathan probably needs to get his arm looked at though", I sat on Nathan's bed, exhausted from the night's events.

     "Did you see the shooter?", Jay asked as he inspected Nathan's arm. Hailey was knelt next to the window, avoiding the glass at her feet.

     "Yeah. I heard a noise and thought it was Cleo, so I got up. I jumped behind the bed before he fired and I guess he got spooked and left. He was about 5'11, white, short dark hair could be black or brown, and wore a black jacket. It's so dark, I couldn't see anything other than that", Nathan let out a small wince as Jay continued to poke around his arm. I could tell her tried to suppress it, not wanting to worry me.

     "My brother is a doctor. He's the one that treated Cleo. We'll wrap up your arm for now and I'll have him come stitch it in the morning. Get some rest guys", Jay said as he went to go get some bandages. I could tell they were tired, and eventually after asking if we were okay again, they left.

     "Did you have another nightmare", Nathan sat down next to me, placing his hand on my thigh.

    "Suprisngly, no. I just couldn't sleep, so I made me a tea like my mom used to do", again I gave my half-smile. I've used that expression so much lately that now it's probably a tell that I'm lying. What else was I supposed to do though? Stare into oblivion?

     "You never talk about her. I know your favorite color is blue, you have a great singing voice even though you won't admit it, your books are your babies, and I even know that you have to do a silly dance when using mouthwash because you hate the taste of it. Yet, I don't really know who you were before the gang."

     "The person I was before the gang...doesn't exist. I was only six when the gang took me in. My dad he was...he was abusive and one day he just didn't stop. My mom was dead, he was arrested, and DCFS was taking me. One day I ran away and that's when the boss picked me up. Took me in as his own. It's funny though... my whole life I've been in the gang yet it's never been apart of me. That's all apart of my past...but my past isn't who I am", a couple tears had escaped while I was talking. Nathan wrapped his arm around me before flashing his gorgeous smile. For once it wasn't a sympathetic one.

     "You know you're really amazing? I'm glad the gang is apart of our past though. Without any of that happening I wouldn't of met the girl I love", I immediately looked up once he said it. "I mean it. I love you, Cleo."

     "I love you, too", Nathan put his hand on my cheek, wiping the single tear that fell with his thumb. 

     Nathan placed a kissed on my forehead as we cuddled up together. He drew imaginary circles on my back, and even though I enjoyed his presence and tried to stay awake I eventually fell asleep. 


     I woke up to Nathan stroking my hair. I cuddled up to him more, putting my head on his chest. 

     "You were so tired that you passed out before I could ask about sleeping on the couch. Nothing like the sun shining through a bullet-hole in the window", both Nathan and I laughed as I lifted my head to where I was looking up at him.

     "In my defense it was two in the morning", I smiled as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

     "Nathan, Cleo come get breakfast!", I could hear Hailey yell from the kitchen.

     I contemplated getting up, but my stomach growling decided it for me. I wrapped my fuzzy blanket around my shoulders as I groggily walked into the kitchen. Hailey sat two plates of pancakes on the counter while Jay was pouring coffee. When I sat down I finally realized the red-headed figure sitting in the living room.

     "Hey Will", I said as I shoved a bite into my mouth.

     "Hey, how are you doing?", he patted me on the back as he started searching the fridge.

     "I'll be fine once everyone stops asking me that", Will laughed as he shook his head. "What?"

     "You sound just like him", Will pointed at Jay while he gave him the did I ask look.

    We finished eating our meal and Will took Nathan into the bathroom to stitch his arm up. I plopped onto the couch, my blanket still around me and turned on the TV. We didn't have any in the gang, so I was pretty much clueless on what channel to pick. 

     "Whatever you do don't let Jay convince you to turn on any sports", Hailey laughed as she sat down next to me.

     "Why don't you pick?", I handed her the remote.

     "Actually I think we need to go get ready", Hailey turned off the TV.

    "For what?", I raised my eyebrow.

     "For your first day at work."

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