Chapter 10

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     "Nathan, what the hell?", I stormed into his room

     "What?", he genuinely looked confused.

     "The card Hailey gave me is gone and I didn't tell anyone about it. Your first day here you walked in on me holding it so where is it?", I crossed my arms. A couple minutes ago I thought he was such a great guy, and now I don't even know what I'm feeling.

     "Cleo, I thought that was a bookmark besides I was out with you. I swear I didn't take it", Nathan realized something. "I asked Layton that day why you were so secretive about books. I told her how I walked in on you and how you shoved a bookmark in your book before I could even see what you were reading."

     "I don't have bookmarks. Layton knows I just bend the corners. That bitch took it.", a feeling of guilt washed over me. I had just accused the one person that was there for me of betraying me. "I'm really sorry Nathan."

     "Don't worry about. Let's go find that card, together", he grabbed my hand and led me out of his room.

     We went into Layton's room first. I knew where she hid all of her things, but I couldn't find the card. After that we went to the weapon's room to see if it was in her vest. It wasn't. 

     "I know Layton, she's gotta have it on her", I threw her vest on the floor in frustration and ran my hands through my hair.

    "Ok, so what do we do?", Nathan sat on the table.

     "Nothing we can do. I didn't need it anyways, but if she shows that to the boss he'll think I'm a snitch.", I sat next to Nathan.

     "Trust me the boss knows you're not a snitch. You're the most loyal person here. I think that's why he trusts you so much."

     "Thanks for everything, Nate. I'm gonna get some sleep. Losing my best friend wore me out", I patted him on the back as I jumped off the table.

     I was heading to my bedroom when everything went black.


     I woke up in the basement of the warehouse. I knew what this was. This was the interrogation to see if I snitched. My hands were tied above my head, forcing me to stand. My head was pounding , but I didn't think I was bleeding.

     "Layton told us about your little business card. Why'd you keep it?", the boss walked up to me and rolled up his sleeves.

     "I didn't know it was in the box until I took all of the books out of there. What else do you wanna know," my attitude got me a punch to the stomach. My body tried to curl, but the chains prevented it.

     "Did you snitch? Did you have that Detectives numbers so you could give her intel?", the boss waved a taser in front of my face.

     "No, like I said I didn't even kn-", the taser made contact with my stomach as I screamed in pain.

     The interrogation only went on for about twenty minutes. I had been tased several times and I received a couple punches here and there, but I've seen the boss do worse. Much worse.

      Once they realized I was telling the truth the boss asked to see me in his office. I sat down in the chair slowly. The pain was already going away, but I was still tense.

      "Why'd Layton rat you out if you didn't snitch?", the boss grabbed another cigar.

     "Boss, it's stupid girl drama. She got pissed at me, so she tried to find a way to hurt me. I'll take care of it", the boss gave me a blank expression. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

     "Damn right you will. I've decided to kick Layton out of the gang because of the problems she has been causing. You have to break the news to her", my heart sunk. Layton and I might not be on good terms, but sending her out on the streets alone put a target on her back. A rival gang would have her killed in seconds, but there was nothing I could do.

     I grabbed the whole team and told them we needed to talk. Once everyone was there I broke the news.

     "This team has been under a lot of heat from the boss recently. He decided that the best course of action was to remove someone from the gang. I didn't make this decision and I don't agree with it", I couldn't even look them in the eyes.

     "Just tell us, Cleo", Micheal was holding Isa's hand. 

     "Layton, I'm sorry. You have thirty minutes to pack up your stuff then Isa can show you out", a tear had escaped from my eyes, even though I tried my hardest to stop it.

     "You didn't make this decision? Like hell you didn't! Screw you, Cleo", Layton stormed off into her room and took the empty box I was holding. 

     I dismissed the rest of the team and told Isa to make sure Layton left. I couldn't hold back my emotions. So much has happened recently, and I just exploded once I got in my room. I felt someone come behind me and hug me as my legs gave out. It was Nathan.

     We just sat on the floor while he held me. I hated to show others my weak moments, but then again was I being weak? Was it so bad that I have a heart? Once my sobs turned into sniffles I looked back at Nathan. He looked at me with those stunning blue eyes, but he didn't look at me with pity.

     I didn't think, I just did. I leaned in, my lips touching his. 

     "What was that for", he smiled.

     "That's because I wanted to kiss you", Nathan cupped my cheek and pulled me back in.

     "You probably should get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight", Nathan kissed my forehead as he stood up.

     "Goodnight," as he walked away I couldn't help but smile.

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