Chapter- 25💗

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In this chapter, we are going to almost get the answers to every question. Thank you for all the votes and beautiful comment.

"Sammy everything is ok relax." Mean and Sammy was walking towards the pack hall. She was trying to ignore the pity or curious eyes she was getting from people. Mean held her hand as they continued to walk towards the pack together.

"What are you going to do when you will see Joshual again? The pig even comes in the pack meetings. I mean what the hell he is even doing in the pack. This is not even his pack." Mean said in an angry complaining tone.

"I will try to ignore him," Sammy replied calmly but inside his heart was jumpy just thinking he is going come face to face with Joshual.

"Hmm that's good anyway's he is not even that handsome to look at." Mean said as he chuckled at his own statement.

"That would be a lie. If I said so. He is handsome." Sammy didn't know why but he felt a need to defend Joshual maybe because of the bond which is sooner or later going to be rejected anyway.

"I can see you are busy defending him but it's ok I am ok with whatever makes you happy." Mean said in a comforting tone as they entered inside the hall. All eyes were on Sammy making her nervous. He felt Joshual staring at her like others but she ignored him also like she did with others and sat in the corner silently where Mean made him sit. Mean took his seat followed by Plan. 

As always pack meeting started and as always Plan didn't gave a shit about it. He started to come to the pack meetings because of his father who forced him to join it. Just as the meeting was over he didn't wait even for a microsecond before anybody else can get up he was about to run out. But stopped in his path when Mean called him.

"Plan" Mean called from behind loud enough for him to listens.

"The meeting is not over yet. I have an announcement to make. Come here sit." Mean said more in a pleading tone than in a commanding tone. Plan decided not to create any scene with a forceful exhalation he again sat on his seat. There was pin-drop silence everybody was waiting for their leader to make the announcement.

"We have our rules, traditions, and methods coming from years and centuries. I feel there is nothing wrong if we bring out a little change in them because some of them are cruel. So I decided we will bring a little change in our pack and set an example for other packs too. So from now on, I don't want any mistreatment with any omega. Omegas will be treated with equal respect as alphas. No omegas will be forcefully marked and mated from now on even in the heat. No omegas will be punished just because they are weak. And if anybody breaks the rule forcefully mate with omega or do something wrong with them emotionally, physically, or sexually will be punished and they can be hanged too. From now on in my pack, everybody will be treated equally. Also if any omega is interested in training or wants to learn defense they can learn. From now on training times will be divided. Certain hours will be fixed for omegas too in the training ground. And I repeat stop treating omegas like sex slaves. Also, we are going to welcome everybody's mate in pack irrespective of them being normal human or vampire." After the announcement Mean waited for anybody's reaction. People were whispering talking. The most spectacular scene was omegas happy smiling looking at their Leader and luna with ecstatic and delightful eyes. Mean felt the Plan's eyes continuously staring at him. He turned to look at him and with a lot of courage he kept his hand on Plan's hand and for a change, Plan didn't pulled his hand away and kept blankly looking at Mean like he was carefully scrutinizing Mean.

"This is wrong. Just because you are a leader you can't play with our tradition. This how things are going for centuries you can't play with those traditions. Omegas are sex slaves they were and they will be. They are to please alphas." One of the pack members shouted. Mean curse under his breath when Plan removed his hand with a sudden shout of the member. He turned to look who it was with an irritated expiration. Before Mean could say anything Plan was already standing looking at the man angrily. He knew who the man was. He was Billy from the pack. An alpha way more dominating and hell abusive.

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