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One day has already passed. Things paved their way to get normal some of them happy about their loved ones being safe and some griefed about losing their important ones. Everybody who lost their lives in the war was cremated with reverence and honor they deserved for what they have done for the safety of the pack and its members. Mr. Rathavit was cremated near Plan's mother's grave with happiness that he is happy somewhere sitting with his love of life and looking at them and in grief because someone lost his father and someone her husband and others lost a great fighter and an amazing person.

It was late in the night and Plan kept staring at the other three glistening stars and a crystal star that lost its shine after his father's death. He sighed a jittery breath and turned in the cold bed for a comfortable posture on the bed. His hands involuntarily resting on his tummy like protecting the two lives inside him. After hours of the worthless trial of sleeping, he eventually got up from the bed and hurried out with the uncanny feeling of restlessness and stuffy out of nowhere. He stepped to the office room and found Mean sitting on the couch eyes dwelled on some pages so densely that he didn't even felt omegas presence. He walked enough closer so that Mean can feel his presence. Mean smiled when Plan snatched his papers from him and strangled him sitting on his lap and encircled his hands around his neck and settled his head closer to his alpha's neck sniffing him. Mean hugged him and pulled him closer kissed the side of his cheeks in return.

"Can't sleep?" Mean whispered closer to his ear gaining a purr in answer. Mean smiled as he laid on the couch taking the omega on the top. Plan comfortably spread his body shrinking closer to his alpha closing his eyes. 

"I miss him. Just the feeling that I won't be able to see him again is scary. Just the idea he won't be there to train me is terrifying for me." Plan said amidst the tears silently flowing and slumping on Mean.

"Do you want to listen to a story?" Mean asked fiddling with the smooth silky hair of his boy. The omega nodded. Mean sighed after thinking for a few minutes.

"Once there was an island where all the feelings and emotions lived together. One day a big storm from the sea was about to drown the island. Every emotion on the island was scared, but Love made a boat to escape. All the feelings jumped in the boat except for one feeling. Love got down to see who it was. It was Ego! Love tried its best to bring ego to the boat, but Ego didn't move. Everyone asked Love to leave Ego and come in the boat, but Love was meant to Love. It remained with Ego. All other feelings were left alive but Love died because of Ego!

"This is a lame story. If ego was so adamant and an idiot. Love should have left him to save his life." Plan said in a vexatious voice as he lifted his chin to look at Mean.

"This is not lame. I was a person in the past who used to think love is selfish just because I experienced something which made me believe it. But witnessing your's father's love for your mother changed something inside me. He truly loved her. Love is the biggest feeling you know. It can overpower any other emotion. Your father is happy with his love if you will be like this you are going to hurt his heart. Once my mother quoted something I want to tell you 'The sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her breathe.' Mean stated waiting for Plan to say something. When nothing came up with the second side Mean expect that the boy is already asleep.

"Then do you love me? I know you do. Do you have the courage to say in words now?" Plan asked his words maybe not clear because of the cozy position they were in but the heart was hammering waiting for that one sentence he always craved to listen.

"I do. I love you so much that I can't explain in words what you mean to me. You help me breathe. The one who took me out from the suffocating world I was. When the world wanted the best in me, you are the only one who excepted me with all the imperfections I have. So yes! I love you millions of times I have loved anybody else even my mother." Mean said smiling looking at the ceiling. Plan sat on Mean jumping in astonishment and happiness he finally got to listen to those magical words.

He Will never Love me (completed)Where stories live. Discover now