chapter - 13💗

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Pack hall -

Mean and plan was sitting on stage on their throne.. Meeting was still not started. Everybody was talking, whispering.. Mean was talking to one of boy standing there about something. Plan was in his own thought still thinking about his mother and photo he got yesterday ..

His heart was tickling and flustered that Mean gifted him something so precious. Life's best gift to him was given by Mean was not letting him stop smiling..

But his smile dropped when he saw his father handcuffed and been pulled inside the hall.

He turned to look at Mean.. He also looked shocked.. He shrugged his shoulder silently telling Plan he also don't know what is going on..

Perth was standing near Mean with same expression of shock..

Whole pack was whispering and talking . His dad was forced to sit on knees as if he is criminal.. Plan want to run to his dad and hug him. He felt how much his dad must be feeling humiliated right now...

"What is all this?? Why Mr Rathavit is handcuffed treated like this.. The meeting was for the culprit who let enemies enter so why he is here like this.." Mean asked to group of alphas who brought Mr Rathavit..

"Leader he is the one who let enemies enter inside" One of alpha came forward and answered...

"Nonsense" Plan was about to stand up to say something Mean growled at him angrily .It was signal for him to just sit quitely..

Perth also signaled him to stay quite.. So he just sat back to listen..

People again started  whispering and talking..

"Enough..." Mean shouted whole hall become silence. It was pin drop silence..

"Do we have proof to accuse him" Mean asked few pictures were passed to Mean.. Those were pictures of Mr rathavit meeting with group of vampires .

"Where did you get all these from" Mean asked to alpha.. All this time Plan was staring at his father who was looking at ground. He was waiting for his father to make a single eye contact with him tell him he is innocent he was not involved in it.. He is not a traitor but nothing happened Mr Rathavit was looking at ground like he was guilty..

"Our sources were spying on everybody indulged with border security and they got these photos.We have caught him red handed meeting with vampires.." Alpha said passing other proofs

"Mr Rathavit what is this" Mean shouted so angrily that it Echoed in the silent roof..

"Is this true Mr Rathavit... If somebody is framing you... You will get a fare chance to prove yourself.. We are here to listen your side ..But I just want to listen truth" Mean asked looking angrily at Mr Rathavit trying to be normal because he himself was shaken inside..

Mr Rathavit didn't reply anything he remain silent just kept looking at ground .

"Mr Rathavit it would to better for you if you tell truth to whole pack otherwise we have better methods to bring out the truth from you and I highly believe you will not like those methods because you also know they are brutal and you will not able to bear that" Mean said gritting his teeth..

"Yes!! Leader I did this... They offered me money I agreed.. But please believe me I didn't know they are planning to kill anybody.... They said they have someone inside pack who work for them and they want to meet them.." Mr Rathavit said it was first time in whole meeting Mr Rathavit and Plan had an eye contact. Plan can see fear and guilt in those eyes..

Why dad.. Why did you do this??

"Just for money you cheated on your pack. Because of you 2 soldiers died. You will get punished for what you did before I want to know that attack on Plan on waterfall did you allowed anybody inside or Is it planned by you" Mean asked his jaws was clenched teeth gritted angrily desperately waiting for an answer..

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