chapter - 12 💗

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"Just friends?? "Joshual questionably looked at Plan..

Everybody looked at Plan suspiciously and Mean we can say his anger was at highest..

Plan was also shocked he was unable to understand where the question came from..

Joshual started laughing everybody was looking at him with 'Is he mad type of eyes.. '

As Joshual stopped laughing he turned to look at Plan who looked still confused and trying to understand where Joshual was trying to take the conservation

"Heyy Plan why are you so shocked did you forget. I kept telling you that you are my omega my mate but that is different thing that you never accepted and kept telling me we are just friends not mates " Plan smiled thinking of his old days when he has gone to his grandmother's house in his vaccation and met a cheerful and happy alpha Joshual very different from other alpha's he has ever met..

"I do remember how you grabbed me and was not allowing me to go and crying and telling your parents that I am your omega" Plan said laughing everybody tried to control their laughter listening the short story..

"Heyy !! That was in childhood... Now I don't cry stop embarrassing me" Joshual said pretending to be angry..

"I was just telling between I don't think it's embarrassing its cute" Plan said taking a big gulp from beer bottle..

"What is cute about it.. Alpha crying ..I am listening it first time... Such a weirdo" Mean said as he looked at Joshual..

Joshual sighed "Just as listened rude, self obsessed you are... People say right about you " Joshual said it smiling but in mocking tone..

Mean was super angry Plan can feel it but he decided to tackle the situation before it become worse..

"Joshual common don't start this what people say about Mean is just assumptions Whoever knows him personally knows how hardworking and caring he is.. He always just thinks about pack and his members all time " Plan said looking at Mean smiled and turned to Joshual..

"You know lot about your leader.. This is quite are talking like wife defending his husband" Joshual said he took beer bottle from table...

"Not a wife but close" Mean commented angrily making Perth to choke and coughing.. Nick was rubbing his back .

Emma and plan was looking at Mean with opened mouth. As Mean realized what he just said he tried to control things...

"Friends we are good friends....close friends" Mean replied nervously taking beer bottle from table...

"Ohhh... You made me nervous I thought you guys mated... I just felt like my heart getting drop from my chest" Joshual said trying to breath. He felt as if he skipped his heart beat..

"Joshual no joking about mates and marriage.. We are here to enjoy... It's my best friend's birthday don't ruin it".. Please ~ Plan

"I was not joking" Joshual murmured just to himself..

"Ok ok I am sorry Is I am invited or should I just leave you guys" Joshual said smiling....

"Ofcourse you are invited" Emma said smiling at her best..

"You are human aren't you" Joshual stood from his seat like he was ready to attack..

Nick stood from his seat in defensive mode and Emma hid behind his back totally frightened..

Mean got up from seat ready to move towards Nick.. When Plan came in between..

"Joshual no she knows about us.. She will not tell anybody... She is friend... My best friend.. Joshual relax" Plan said rubbing Joshual chest trying to calm him down..

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