Chapter 34

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Facsimiling the red of her heart's inked sonnet on her mushy cheeks, beatific remembrances resounded on the newly cleaned slate of her mind.
Stealthily capturing his side profile with lesser askance, a waft of his muted struggle of the past life itched the scars of her former birth, has he not suffered too?

"Arjun?" Draupadi satiated her surroundings by diligently acknowledging them and averting her attention from the swirling of her internals,
"Why have you stopped the car, here?"

"May you come with me?" he turned a deaf ear to her curious frowning.

Folding arms and harrowing facial expressions received Arjun's dubious intentions, the lady couldn't decipher her husband's ploy, she sensed fear after analysing the lonely road, not even a silhouette to be seen.

"A present for you"
The new bride attentively heard her husband's mousy words, his crisped blooming cheeks made her go weak on the knees.
After a gentle whiff of strength, the third son of Pritha slipped a small diamond-studded floral ornament on the lady's delicate finger.

"I..." Draupadi stopped, hesitating to clasp his huge frame in her protection.

"I...I too have a small gift" she convoked all her endurance but still carried a reddish sign of affection on her face, while carelessly furnishing his masculine digit with a similar ring.

"Looks like we complement each other, perfectly!" Giving her a glad eye, he transposed his tall self to patent her shying expressions with an ardour peck on her forehead.

Arjun deliberated his light-hued pupils to delight her darker ones, surfacing his palms over her soft skin, he quietly advanced his peeper at the corner of her eye from where a jolly drop of water escaped, he decided to let it go free instead of carefully moping her face of any unwanted droplets.

"Arjun.." she purred, diffidently cajoling him to lessen the differences between them, the hopeless romantic's body steamed with hot flushes after channelising his lady's sensual wordings, his name's pronunciation with such an unprecedented timbre produced a current in his brain and his teeth portrayed the most heavenly smile.

He blatantly skimmed over her squashy cheeks, traversing to her luscious lower lip's tip while his hands were sailing over her unmarred curves.
"Arjun" A shrill grumble from her side commanded him to soften his osculations on the nape of her neck.

His fingers crudely whispered around her waist, pulling her chassis to bump into his,
their orbs met for a brief period before his agile lips foisted over her creamy ones.
She nibbled leisurely on his lower lip, breathily smiling in between the constant flow of passion,

"I love you" the two twinkled, hearing each other's voice coincide.

"Is this the same woman who was running away from me a few hours back?" He wryly muttered, raising his eyebrows,

"Shut-up!" She now held his collar, "you better not talk about.." her damping eyes blurred with pain,
"talk about us separating" she completed,
feeling a mass of lava-like liquid flood her veins.

Her body hit the car's front as she pulled him over, half leaning on an imaginary air pillar, she quickly realised that his eyes had been sinking in hers all this while.
Switching positions with a love goddess, she jerked him harshly by his collar, only for him to overpower a loud cough and fluently allow his lover's warm breath to mingle with his.
Her lips bashed his, the intensity scared the man, his exquisite lady somehow antagonised him severely.

The couple then, sweetly perched over the car's bonnet, lacing their fingers in a hushed embrace.
Arjun drooled over his lover's happy state, and then gently swayed his vision away from her to thank the universe and especially Krish for marking a tick against the first milestone of his and his beloved's journey.

There were challenges yet to come and obstacles big and tall, but with her by his side, life appeared seamless.

"3 in the morning and my son arrives with this girl" Pritha snaked her thoughts in an indecent phrasing. She glanced at the other lazily dressed members of the family, who were either dozing off while standing or mimicking a forbidding guise.

"Pritha, you wouldn't want to have a friendly discussion at this time, I suppose" Sarcasm from Paranjay's docile mouth was uncommon but his wife's exaggerated comments left his somnolent eyes in wrath.

"All of you" The man of the family seemed
unpleased by the upheaval of his house's peace, "go back to complete your incomplete sleep" he giggled now, reclaiming the position of 'the cooler parent'.

"Arjun, Draupadi.. dears, I grant you two, the permission to wake up late tomorrow and also" Paranjay yawned unabashed, "you'll be taking an off from work tomorrow" he instructed his newly wedded son.

Hruti and Devangi eagerly watched their mother in law retire back to her den, they squealed with delight and group hugged with Draupadi before requesting her to march with them to their respective rooms.

"Keep your room's door tightly shut, brother" Nakul winked at his current elder, "no one would like to hear your lovey-dovey conversations" The older twin suddenly couldn't stop himself from laughing after watching his elder sibling's face become bleached.

"Never mind, have a good night..oh..good morning" Nakul winced almost immediately after Arjun twisted his arm for making reckless statements.

"Not everyone is like you, foolish lad" Bheem lightly tapped on the older twin's forehead, "Arjun's quite passive in-front of women!" The second in the row of inheritance exclaimed and all the brothers chortled.

"Jokes apart, if you ever wish to take any advice, little guy, I am always there" Bheem crushed Arjun's body in a forced cuddle, "just don't go to bb, he's fanatic"

Yash raised his hands, surrendering himself to his gleeful brother's nonsensical chatting, "time out, keep me out of these wisecracking sessions"

"Well, I have this intuition that mom will not be digesting this elope of yours till a long time, brother!" The quietest and youngest of the five sons discourteously put out, humbling the playful chattering.

"Don't you overwhelm yourself with such beliefs, Sahdev, she was quick in attaching herself to Devangi then why not, Draupadi?" Yash shielded his mother's stubbornness.

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