Chapter 27

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A cacophony of varying cries disturbed the peace of the Panchkul family, the happy puzzle had a missing piece, the piece which positioned itself merrily in the centre of the whole jigsaw, their Draupadi was gone, gone where? No one knew!

Prashasti's loud weeping complimented Vidyut's harsh words at Lakshana who was the witness to the sudden teleportation of Draupadi. It was a routine day for the family only difference being the mid day break of Laks and Drau from work.

Karan, the only outsider, had curses furling under his hot breaths, his small brain found it weighty to digest the situation, Draupadi's unexplained ghostly absence from her own house. He clenched his jaw, hurling large abuses at the mysterious disappearance of Arjun along with the youngest daughter of Drupad and silent swearing for Samarth who had called him up whilst Arjun was engaged in a conversation with Draupadi.

"My heart assures!" Drupad smiled, showing full trust on his daughter, "she will not wrong us"
His fatherly feelings had matured completely after the doctor handed him his youngest child, years ago. The delicate baby girl had looked at him with wide-open shining eyes, unlike the normal newborns. From that day to today, Draupad's conscious always believed his baby girl to be the most special.

"We can only wait for her to come back, nonetheless, we should keep trying to contact her" as soon as he finished his sentences, he retrieved back to his room, taking pride at his certitude mood.

"Anyone else who wishes to take things so calmly?" The mother failed to take control of her fast heartbeats, how can she relax when her daughter is nowhere to be seen?

"Lakshana, if your cousin...forget it!" Vidyut raged in aggression, sidelining all relationships, he couldn't think of himself more than the brother of a young girl who used to outsmart him every time she was blamed for her self created mischiefs.

"The police! We should contact them" Karan vouched for the umpteenth time, hoping to get his previous birth's brother arrested for kidnapping the daughter of a powerful industrialist. His hopes were again brushed off by Vidyut, who was now frantically dialling digits on his phone.

Karan felt fluffed and even cheated by his own wit, his nails digging imprints on his palm and heavy sighs coaxing the tiniest thread of self faith inside his mind. Pitying and lamenting at his helpless defeated state, he felt like a cold-blooded creature whose emotions all distraught and life directionless.


A constant sound seeped inside her brain, the sound being sharp pitched and exasperating. Her subconscious perceived a hammer dutifully battering her head.
"Stop!" Her deep hazy slumber abruptly ended, Draupadi's eyes collected as much as light possible, confusion lingering inside her mind and flummoxed senses.
Taking a minute of normalising, Draupadi noted all the details of her surroundings,
"Where am I?" She jumped in horror, interpreting her environment to be an artistic hotel suite with the door being mercilessly knocked at.
The woman, half-hearted, juggled between her pseudo numb brain and the blinding lights. She sloppily dragged her body to open the door.
"Thank you for ordering Ala carte, we hope that our services please you" blabbering to himself, a waiter entered.

"When did I order all this and when did I come here?" Draupadi's arms flapped, wishing to gain the attention of the room service guy who was lost in his own world. Her smartness analysed it to be yet another effort by Arjun, moreover, she knew this to be another failed effort because she was not going to succumb.

"Ma'am?" The waiter passed a simper at her,
"best wishes to you and your husband!" He bowed and shut the ajar door behind him.

"My phone!!" Draupadi shouted, not absorbing the recent words, it all felt like a weird dream, waking up in a suite room, having a snobbish guy bringing ala carte and of course not remembering anything. 

A faintly audible clicking from towards the washroom left the woman bewildered and then aghast, the sound grew each millisecond just like the audibility of her pulse.
Draupadi's eyes squinted, her face hiding behind her palms, she scrunched her body to protect herself from the unacquainted fear.
"Woah!" Arjun giggled, "seems like I got caught, red-handed" his arms half in the air and judgemental looks throwing confetti at the flabbergasted woman.

Braving herself, the lady observed the half-dressed man, his wet hair and the peculiar loop sided smile decorating his perfect face. Her eyes wandered over his flawless abs and those muscles which he had been working on since a long time.
Draupadi bit her lower lip, sulking at the butterflies in her stomach, the scene was a tasteful description of a fictional novel she had read earlier in her life, the protagonist ends up in the room of a hot guy even though the heroine lacked knowledge of the hero, but in this case, Draupadi knew her hero inside out.

"I feel objectified" Arjun whispered, swiftly passing her scrutiny. He hoped down a black T-shirt to cover his handsome frame and not let himself be evaluated.

"What did you do to me?" The lady cawed, her arms folded across her chest and her raised eyebrows intimidated the man.

"Don't you know?" His manly chuckle irked the woman, her mind ran in all directions to search for an answer to his question, why doesn't she recollect any happenings?

"Not as such" the lowering levels of stubbornness and vaunt in her vocalisation ringed conch shells of victory in his ears.

"If you say so" Arjun pouted, strengthening himself to implement the next step of his plan, he glanced at the bemused woman before flashing few legal papers in front of her,
"Oh come on, what is it?" Draupadi verbalised, seeds of curiosity and anxiety sprouting inside her fertile mind.
Like a ball of tangled yarn, now the perturbations vibrated across the room to submit inside Arjun from Draupadi. He inhaled the scent of lavender-infused candles which flamed on the side table near him, the man endured a sudden wave of nausea from the effluvium of lavenders which he despised a lot. Indecisiveness obstructed his path to success, her howling response was already imagined by him, how shall he tell her?

"Are you, mute?" Draupadi clapped her hands sarcastically, espying his cold spinal cord.

"Happy 4 hours, wifey!"

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