Chapter 37

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Draupadi bickered her worries to the sparrow who happened to sit on the parapet at which the lady was fixing her palms.
She winced her pupils to acknowledge the arrival of her husband in their room's large terrace, her disheartened frame collapsed into his steady arms and she couldn't wait much before lamenting in a suppressed manner.
Arjun overpowered his emotional dilemma to configure her aimless wordings but couldn't grasp any of her sluggish syllables. His arms twitched a few times to position perfectly to wrap the delicate lover of his.

"Why can't I let go of the past? Arjun, why can't I?" Her needy eyes and giddy tone frightened him, her beautiful dark orbs were crying for help but he too stood weak.

"Drau..hold yourself together" he requested her to stay impregnable as he watched her break down in his arms, this time, more vigorously. "No one is going to hurt you, Draupadi, I won't let anyone or anything trouble you, please stop excruciating yourself"

"I am not able to stop rewinding scenes from the past, they look more tragic and melancholic than what they actually were"

"Look. Look at me" Arjun lulled, his fingers caressing her flushed cheeks.
"What do you see?"

"You? You of course" She furrowed her brows over the bare question.

"Okay so, now" his voice lowered in volume but fastened pace, "what do you really want to see?" His thumb outlined her lower lip.

Her peeper looked around briskly as if looking for answers,
"How can you only see me and not the beautiful woman being reflected in my eyes? Drau, I will never tell you to forget the past but I want you to see us together in every situation, you don't have to confide yourself inside your mind"


Pritha jogged her way towards her dearest child who had recently betrayed her trust.
Arjun's former giggles watching his mother hurry towards him faded after the realisation of her speed hit him, she was definitely going to corner him yet again for his latest doing.

"Am I your enemy?" The mother of five threw a classic parent card, deliberately scrunching her eyes for some water to collect and fall.

"Maa.." the affectionate son gently hugged his melodramatic creator, "I..I..I love her, she equalises me" he tried reasoning with her aloof eyes.
"Didn't we have this conversation yesterday?" A thin crust of vexing layered his respectful timbre. 

"Some apples fall very very far from the tree" Pritha engineered arrows to hurt her son's fixed stance.
"Am I even a mother?", she cleared her voice twice, masking the lump inside her throat, "who am I to guide you? My son is so gifted that he outwits his mother... I can merely express my hurt because the deed is already done, and it seems like I am the only fool who has sensed the future of such drastic actions"

"How can I let her go, maa? We have had our nuptials, how can I?" Arjun failed to please the older lady. "You taught me to respect women, how can I label myself as a scammer who tricked a woman into marriage and then gave her abandonment?"

"I don't know all this, Arjun" acute crystals of glacier-like ice pinched her son's vulnerable heart, "you have..." her mouth shut immediately as she viewed the reason for her agony swaying baby Garvit in her arms while trodding towards them.

"There you are, my lil champ" The grandmother delicately snatched away the child from the family's new addition and proceeded ahead after a minute-long death stare at her favourite son.

Draupadi raised her eyebrows to question her husband's despondency who in turn dodged it with a sleepy smile.

"Your father presented me with an irresistible offer" she snaked her arms around his neck as soon as they entered their room's premises.

"Fear the lord, Drau.. he's a noble man, talk normally and not in a wrongful manner" Arjun chortled while pulling her closer to his frame.

"He wants me to join your company" she proudly declared, "oh, I'll be so lucky for the business"

"Oh,, I can't have you in my workspace, I'll discuss it with dad" his blunt dissent challenged Paranjay's veto.

"What is your concern, Mr Kuruvanshi?" Draupadi stepped twelve inches away from him, subconsciously singing a lullaby to hush the urge to break his neck.

"Hmm..ok, if you wish to join then you'll have to go through the proper channel, I don't prefer referrals" He articulated like someone with deeply sewed ethics and morals.

"And whom should I approach for the interview then?" She faked genuine curiosity while struggling to keep herself as tranquil as possible.

"Obviously the CEO" he quickened a mischievous inspection of her brimming anger.

"Arjun!" she quarrelled, finding her figure just a few centimetres away from the nearest cream wall while he took playful steps in her direction. "You should act professionally, I am in no mood of..." her words turned back to their original point as he dispatched his lips on her collarbone. 

She shortened the low soundings of her heart to boycott all types of indulgences whilst he tittered directly in her ear observing her stay saintly.

"I can't...I can't.." she whimpered after a long pause, discerning his muscular arms ready to witness her feminine energy, "I am suffocating.." she quivered, inhaling awfully.

"Drau, I" Arjun immediately cast himself aside, "I am so sorry" he conjectured watching her consolidate herself.

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