Chapter 19

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'Happy' for Arjun, was a relative phrase as he watched Lakshana cradle the sleepy, round-headed baby in her arms.
He craned his neck to clearly look at his tiny nephew who seemed least interested in the arms of his aunt, perhaps he would have been happier if Draupadi was here, after all, she had a way with kids.

He subconsciously giggled, unmanly to his behaviour, hearing the infant cry at the lack of 'proper care of children' displayed by Lakshana.

Garvit was then placed into his mother's warm lap leaving the baffled lady guest to take deep sighs of relief.

"Dinner shall be served in 5 minutes" Kali, Pritha's most loyal house help, more like a part of the Kuruvanshi family greeted the siblings who were busy chatting.
Twinkling eyes politely warned the aged woman of no more interference,
Devangi excused herself, citing the ideal behaviour of a daughter in law, she went to check the dining table arrangements.

"Why do you look so tensed?" Nakul popped a peanut inside his mouth, the question shot by him made Laks more guilt-ridden,
why did she leave her best friend with Karan?

It had been nearly three beautiful hours for Laks and the family who spent the time reminiscing about old days and also discussing the new responsibilities,
the visitor had also expressed her annoyance at least ten times about Pritha and Paranjay being out of station for some business issues.

Yash, Bheem and Arjun, somehow sniffed the overwrought antics of their cousin,
is Draupadi in Delhi with her?
Arjun was sure about it after seeing Laks peep at her phone even while eating the mouth relishing food.

His inner happiness bloomed like any flower in the spring season, his organs were dancing, fully knowing that the girl of his dreams is in his town and he could easily make the ends meet for just one glimpse of her.
The drooling fantasies of Arjun were bombarded by a tacky ringtone, his eyes rushed back to sense the reality.

"What?" Lakshana's voice pierced the eardrums of all, Garvit began flooding tears and wailing hearing the loudest voice.

"Drau is kidnapped" the girl trembled, whispering noisily, much for the others to perceive the unseen disaster.

Bheem's jaw dropped, he was formerly impatiently waiting to get praised for the palatable miso soup prepared through his ideal recipe but now his attention split into two parts, one to tend to his howling son and the other to apprehend the new news.

Yash sunk to his chair, possibly trying to hide from the suspicious eyes of Arjun, though he knew that he was unaware of any such happenings and most importantly, he had moved on with Devangi.

Nakul and Sahdev geared up to comfort their shocked sister, who was running towards the main door of the house.

"Where is Arjun?" Hruti shouted, diverting everyone's attention towards the empty chair.


A blue bucket was swung forcefully by Jairaj, his eyes were dark and evil, the deep scars on his face hinted on him to be a professional in such deeds, the lifted bucket now was aimed at the unconscious woman whose head dejectedly lay back on the chair,

Draupadi squeaked, feeling a misty liquid spray over her, the drops were in dozens, the dampness over her face, her neck, her clothes quivered her soft skin and palpated her heart.

"Where am I?" She hollered, recalling the incident, almost suddenly.
Dull, peeling off, Kelly greenish walls tried to encourage her system to puke indecently.

The room was very small, overloaded with furniture.
She hastened towards the black shabby door, which was recently shut disgracefully after a second of her gaining consciousness.

The scared yet bold lady panted after several failed attempts of asking for help and opening the rigid door.

"Was he Jaydrath?" She choked on her words, remembering the past life events, her hand on her throat, pleading herself to stop coughing and panicking.
A sticky realisation made her shiver, her clothes were soaked in water, goosebumps all over her skin.

Her eyes snivelled uncontrollably, even though she wanted to fight but her emotions played their own part and her sensitivity wrapped her in a 'damsel in distress' state.

Draupadi looked up from staring at the ground as the door creaked, her fragile body still sitting on the dusty bed,

"Why have you brought me here? Who are you? Why did you abduct me?"
She gulped a known fear watching the man come near, an escape plan formulated quickly inside her brain as she stared at the dyed hair of the sweaty male body,

"Your abduction has given me a lot of profit" He gnarled to bring his face near hers,
Those filthy eyes reiterated a similar situation of the past,

Jaydrath's nose puffed as he tightened his hold over the slender wrist of the woman, the beautiful woman's feet dragging against every step the narcissistic king took, he jumped onto his chariot, pulling her to climb along,
"You are mine" his uneven lips joyfully proclaimed.

"Oh! don't cry, my dear" Jairaj leniently took to touch her cheeks, prodding a teardrop,
"Don't touch me!"
Draupadi pushed him on his big chest, her breathing exaggerating her feared feelings,

"Aww, you are such a dumb beauty" Jairaj pretended to wipe away grime from his shoulders, her arm force on him was nearly negligible as he was still standing tight however a slight away from her.

His jolly laughing worsened her condition, a sheen light appeared from the door's side, wanting her to run away, she silently observed the man sip tea from a small plastic cup.

"Want some?" He spat on the ground, ranting about the distasteful hot drink.

"Water!" She adjured, secretly eyeing the crumpled water bottle on a woody table behind him.

"Ah! Alright" the man jumped up from the chair, scratching his back,
Draupadi fisted her fingers slowly, the man started to pour water in a small plastic cup while talking to himself.

"Run" her mind commanded as she hushed towards the door.

"Why did you not call the police? And why did you not call me before?" Lakshana burst on Karan who was faking worry.
His eyes had a spark which screamed to specify something, unknown to Lakshana and her cousins who were all questioning Karan.

"We should go to search for her in different directions!" Karan managed to voice his opinion, a hidden plan of his wanting to come in action.

"Errr...Arjun is missing too" Yash revealed to Lakshana who was hurrying towards the car,

"We don't know where he went" Sahdev agonised,

"I am sure he will be safe, can we please think about Draupadi right now?" The stressed and heartbroken best friend yelled at her brothers who were frightened over the mysterious disappearance of their sibling.

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