Chapter 5

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Arjun's three-piece black suit with buttons of darkest grey gave a complete insight of his nature, professionalism even at personal affairs. The musky smell of his body along with the glued perfume would be easily able to charm his date.
He had pondered before sending an invite to her, but then happy flashes of her with him in some unknown era negotiated for at least one date, everything was sudden and he couldn't get a better place than the man-made pond on the outskirts of the resort in which they were, water bodies were his all-time favourite.

Arjun settled for only one crease on the white table cloth, a mini arbour housing a table for two, scented roses and aroma candles, most importantly, the lake view, what could have been better than this?

He circumscribed the big mouthed glasses before placing the champagne at a better place.
Food was already steaming hot in the containers with inlets to keep it fresh and warm.

Anything which was now required was a gorgeous woman.

Draupadi stumbled for the second time on her heels, she should have not listened to Lakshana and instead wear those wedges apart from the pencil heels which despised her as much as she despised them.

She trailed the way which the fairy lights led,
"Arjun?" Her body organs shivered to see the man dressed in black, he had lesser curly hair than hers, and she noticed his hair flow elegantly in a medium length cut, he had kept them tied or tucked in their previous meetings but today she considered herself lucky to get a glimpse of his Demigod side.

Arjun's observant eyes scrutinized each and every inch of her body, to find the tiniest fault but she was quintessential in womenfolk.
Her dark luscious hair fell up to her sacral bone, the laced red wine dress was like an outlook of her emotions, dark and deep.
He looked up through his lashes, envious of everything near her, he wanted to be the only one around her.

Draupadi sat back on her seat comfortably, she felt his pupils watch her every move,

"This would be my first date ever" she initiated, frankly telling him about her life,

"Really? I have had three relationships before"
Jealousy stung the lady with curly locks, her sour expression indicated him to shut up about his past affairs. She wanted him only for herself and significantly not ruin her first date by discussing matters which go antagonistic to her.

Arjun gulped the last sip of his drink hurriedly, for she was already done with the mouth relishing food.

"Now what?" Asked she, her imagination had created a beautiful experience for them but the reality was a little deviating from her ideality.

"A gift for you" the man hesitated initially but almost immediately, she startled him with a teenage girl excitement.

Were all the girls same? Gift them something and they will be on top of the world.
He slid down a finely carved rose quartz in a floral design with gold coverings.
Her fingers glowed with new energy, the gemstone which was a symbol of unconditional love became the first to link the star crossed lovers in this birth.

"Shall we take a stroll around the lake?" The infatuated lady suggested while the man was busy in his own world,
He knocked himself back into an ancient setting, her curly tresses were still the same, but having a vague dull shine, his past form gifting her with varieties of precious stones, jewels, necklaces, bangles and rings, he shoved his focus from his self and the woman in front to the surroundings which witnessed his bestowing love on her, dense canopies vilify the place, sunlight playing hide and seek from between the large trees,
a forest, Arjun's mind clicked.

He seemed to be walking with her now, alongside the waterhole, the extremely bright lighting of the whole area subdued the moon's luminescence, his feet stopped as she halted at a lesser luminous part, having a wooden bench with soft yellow cushions.

Draupadi's wide-eyed smile made him drool in amazement, was she a nymph from some other land?

Arjun's flaccidity took over to a demanding moment, he had seen her in his subconscious visions, then why should he not accelerate things?

His hands gripped her waist, gently and subtly, averting her eyes from the water's wobble, her pupil dilated, as he painted her cheek with few kisses,
they both knew what the burning passion inside them desired for, he commenced off with what he thought was apt, their bleeding hearts fancied for each other, he turned to her moist lower lip, mellow and tenderly, the rosy upper lip of hers was patiently waiting for his full lips to clash and start a battle.

His heart beats fastened and now she felt his heart syncing with the beats of hers, they were so close that his heart could have easily pounced out of his chest and pierce inside hers, his torso lightly bumping against hers, was it the taste of his lips that made her forget the world or was it the guilty limbic system of her brain which produced strong emotions.

His hand caressed her cheek, as he leaned in for something more deeper and deadlier.
Sweet like honey with a tint of tanginess,
Arjun has never had such a beautiful and amazing partner before, his eyes peeped into hers all this while, he could see the extra shine in her perfect shaped dark brown orbs,
He loved her, he really did, and this feeling which he suddenly encountered with each passing nanosecond, grew more and more.
She was fiery whereas he was calm, not willing to let go of each other even when their breathlessness dropped them back to reality.

"Never imagined that you would be such a good kisser" the wink of his to her, made her colour unnecessarily,

she rubbed her finger over his already swollen lips,
"This was my first time and maybe I have no regrets" Draupadi comprehended herself of being quite a flirt, she had learned this art from her soon to be sister in law.
Her lips crawled up to his forehead before a small peck on his nose tip,
"there's something unusual about you" their voices diffused in unison, the man couldn't take off his observant look from the lady who was giggling loudly beside him,

"Have you said that to your exes too?" Jealousy raged within her, her actions and words were now out of her own control,
She pulled him towards herself from his collar,
"you better forget your previous experiences because I like everything for myself, no sharing at all"

The woman had turned into a bossy one, and Arjun liked it, the spark in her eyes, the smell of her, the taste of her lips and the sharpness of her voice, everything was unique about her and she was definitely his best choice.

They sat down on the bench, holding each other's hands, like lovers fresh out of love school,
a sudden streak of cold wind drew her closer to him, he cuddled along with her, decently yet emotionally, the moon which they were eyeing was a full one, happy and serene,
"Shall I tell you a secret of mine?" The courage Draupadi mustered forced her to speak aloud, he looked at her with the same enthusiasm as a child has when he gets something he likes,
his fingers were setting her hair strands which obstructed the moonlight from making her face radiate.
"I am falling in love with you,"

"And this increases with each heartbeat of mine," she said, taking his hand to her chest, making him feel the intensity.

"Something similar is happening with me too" both of them chuckled as he reciprocated by making her hear his heart's mumbling.

Draupadi patiently lay in his arms, with composed aura spreading around her,
Quite a less time and this man won her and her trust,
There were many days to come before the marriage and perhaps, many nights too,
Her head merrily place itself on his chest,

"Do we know each other from before?" a question arose inside his brain,
has she also seen him in her dreams as he did?

"What if we are lovers from the past?" she abruptly ended the conversation, requesting him to let her enjoy the tranquil atmosphere, along with being in his arms.

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