Chapter 15

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"Don't you want to marry me, Arjun?" Shanaya decided to quench herself after being informed by Pritha about Arjun's vacillation.

"Perhaps, I am not ready for all this right now" his hands on her shoulder now, "maybe I won't be able to love you as I would rather love.." He gulped his words after seeing an unusual sight,

"Draupadi?" He mustered the courage to leave his alleged fiancée and protect his lady love from the three Musketeers.

"The King is a weak player, Samarth, the queen can strike from all directions" Draupadi's luscious lips parted to snigger after placing the big white queen of the patio outdoor chessboard in front of the black king.

"Checkmate" her fingers encircled the round top of the chess piece,

"Not until this knight is with Samarth" Karan exclaimed having his eyes filled with a desire to win, he moved the black horse piece and gently knocked down the white queen.
The giggles of the previous Kaurava brothers and their ally echoed in the whole area.

"Looks like Arjun has come to team up with you, Draupadi" Suyan's jubilant expressions dulled,

The lady who was patiently and politely embracing her past life let a low growl be made,
"Thanks for inviting, Karan, I will see you guys around" the woman's face ashen looking at her former lover.

Tears seeping in his heart, he wondered about her composure even amidst the three men who played a major role in harassing her in the past.

"Excuse me," she split from their company recognising Devangi's call on her phone.

Arjun crept behind her, unobtrusive from her.

"I'll be there in ten minutes, first I need to recheck the arrangements for tonight" she chatted with the person on the other side.
Draupadi started to give her phone's messages a quick glance until a solid object encroached her perfect body,
"Sorry" mumbling few words of apology, she helped the man pick up his phone,

"Yash?" Her eyes squinted, oozing hate towards him.
She swallowed down against the acid churning sensation of her stomach, racing her mind in all directions to not let any vision disturb her.

"I? I am regretful for whatever happened yesterday and..." the eldest son of Kuruvanshi family began after few deep breaths are taken,
"Cut it short!" The woman wielded arrows at him.

Yash has never apologised to anyone before, being the first born in his family as well as in the extended family, he has always been pampered by his younger brothers and parents excluding the decision of Paranjay of making Arjun the CEO of their company.

Arjun who was hiding behind a pillar, craned his neck to see the two, his heart lightened watching his lady becoming comfortable with the previous birth stories and not panicking as she had after hearing Shanaya's wedding plans.

"Perhaps I was wrong, how can this strong lady let the past be an obstacle?" His thoughts satisfied him.

She is impregnable and immune but their life was such, she could break any moment yet rebuild herself.

"It's better for you that we don't cross paths again," her face flushed, "because I am no more bonded to you, mind you, I even know how to break legs"

The eldest son tried to soak in her harsh words, no one has ever dared to speak like this to him!
He stared at her back as she walked further ahead, yes, she was no more bonded to him.

Draupadi submerged herself in the work of the function to be held in the night, Bachelorette party!
Her hand gently positioned over her heart, two days henceforth she would be free from the haunting past and will live her life just like she was living before.

A moan released from her heart as he touched her fingers, " where is the ring I gave you?" Arjun asked, sincerely, standing beside her.
Her eyes seethed stealing a microsecond glimpse of him.
She felt an outrageous pain inside her, she wanted to be with him but had to ignore him.

"And also, if that was a 'make me jealous' strategy then please forget it" Arjun's flowing words extended towards the lady who was checking the lightings.

"What?" Her voice knitted together to be heard as unwavering.
"Your growing friendship with the three..." His lips pressed together after her fingers thrust upon them,

"They have changed and I can perceive them to be good humans now" she reasoned, defending her past life wrongdoers!

"Seriously? They have not changed even by one per cent" he gripped her hand, " we are not together still I have to protect you"

The workers and resort staff let the two be alone after getting signalled by the desperate man.

"Your will power is commendable, even after knowing everything, you are boldly facing the world" he uttered,
Braving herself, Draupadi quietly shrugged her shoulders and then swirled her eyes to spot any stalker who could be seeing them in the terrace lounge, where the party was going to be hosted.

"We can converse, at least" he trailed behind her while she cross-checked all the decorations,

The melting heart of Draupadi forcefully embattled against him, his presence itself was making everything difficult for her,
He aggressively runs his hands in his hair and then pulled her towards himself,
"Am I not talking? I don't like to be sidelined" he whispered sharply.

"Leave me" her debilitated shriek proved useless, the frustration within him changed again into love,
he embosomed her and kissed her forehead,
"Can you really stay away from me?" His eyes united with hers,

"But I can't stay with you either"
The tears forming in her dark brown orbs blocked his hopeful mind.

Her words jarred his ears, his hand thwarted her from going by gripping her wrist,
Her cheeks speckled as he planted the lightest touch on her earlobe, " each time I see you," his hand slid down to touch over her femur, " I lose my self-control"

"Arjun, I can't, I can't let myself be weakened, I am trying to stay inviolable but if you torture me like this I will lose my everything" her head welted on his chest, his heart beats raced to pacify her heavy breathing.

The man cautioned his eyes to refrain from any tear shedding, a quick glimpse from the past sputtered in his brain.
"Someone might see us, Aaryaputra!" The queen of Indraprastha panicked, struggling to free herself from his muscular arms,
Arjun felt a part of him detach as she swiftly dismantled their physical lock, his ears faintly heard the peals of laughter of his brothers,
"Your brothers are coming, I should leave" her face dropped down to sorrowful expressions.

"I knew it, isn't Draupadi the reason for your indecisiveness regarding our marriage?" Shanaya popped up, catching the two share an intimate embrace.

"Stay away from my man, for heaven's sake, he's in an alliance with me!" The lady fumed, glaring at the other woman who was on the verge of breaking down.

Arjun gasped after being disheartened with emotional looks from his lady love, " Drau..." he gushed as she paced away from him.

"Did I ever tell you that I want to marry you, Shanaya?" He turned to the third wheel.

"You have no right to shout at her" his eyes rolled,

"We'll have to talk about this later" He croaked at his fiancée only to prowl behind the confused soul.

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