Chapter 30

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Prashasti's warm adoration towards her new son in law pastiched the pride which the past life Drupad used to take in Arjun,
The valiant king of Panchal, an active member of Aryavarta's political matters, surfaced profound satisfaction observing his daughter being garlanded by the toughest warrior incognito in a brahman's attire.

"I'll have my routine!" Drupad walked past the twins and Lakshana to sit on his peculiar position on the big dining table.
After having a stern indication to grab their specific seats by Drupad, all the members watched the house's son in law circle the table while serving each one with a different delicacy.

"Four boiled eggs, avocado toast and lemon ginger tea" Arjun crisply uttered to the head of the family whose wide teeth smile made the twins gasp, however, it delighted the new family member.

Draupadi nibbled upon the flavoured spaghetti while taking several morsels of a fried egg, she chewed with all her might but the taste seemed aloof to her tongue, her thoughts whimpered as her father engrossed himself with Arjun and mooted about the latter's future goals.

"We might have accepted this relationship", Drupad's loud voice echoed in the silent room, his eyes met the shivered eyes of his daughter for a brief moment, "But we can't forgive you until Arjun's family embraces this amour" he fondled with his fingers and surrounded himself in a sombre contemplation, "for this to happen, you both should leave for Delhi soon"

"Dad, but.." The lady squeaked as if her father's silhouette grew over her conscious, anxiety gliding inside the minuscule valves of her heart and her internals turning turtle because of recreating an infamous scene from her previous birth which split her into five halves. Horrific imagery of her newly bonded in-laws and their scowling gestures on learning about the new advancement demystified all her practically made plans of a perfect life, without any disturbance from her past.


"Drau.." Arjun garnered the expressions of his beloved before pronouncing her name with moderate care.
Her eyes reflected an impasse, fluttering in accordance to the flickering lonely bulb present in the balcony.

"Drupad Sir wants us to leave for my place as soon as tomorrow" feebleness plastered in his verbalisation.

"And what will that mean?" She curated her disregard, "a severed life and a hopeless future, isn't it?" She mocked her circumstances while throwing harrowing looks at him.

"I can't. I can't." A storm of tears broke the barrage of her steady voice, she howled in desolation.

"Draupadi!" Arjun smothered her into a heavy cuddle, crooning words of optimism.

"Why!? Why, Arjun!?" She screamed now, her long fingers pulling the man's crimson polo shirt's neat collar.  She found herself in a verandah with a single escape door which led into a hallway of excruciating flashes of the past.

"It's okay, I am here" he rubbed her back to normalise the inner conflicts. The smart man didn't take even a second more to realise that if she decides to stay with him then her meltdowns would be a daily affair and perhaps he wouldn't always be able to calm the lady.

"Don't you trust me?" He inched closer to her shuddering frame, his benign palms scribed over her flushed cheeks, simultaneously making his light shaded orbs contrast with her dark ones.

"As if you don't know the ans.." her words trailed off as he swept her away from a dreadful hypothesis to an involuntary sniggering, Arjun tickled her forcefully, much to her dismay.

"Stop" she felt out of breath, coughing her way out of the deadly laughter.

"I need a cup of coffee" Suddenly the perturbed lady burst out with a fibster tint and then caressed her face to wipe away any mark of her recent breakdown.

"Definitely!" Arjun giggled, placing a quick buss on her forehead.

Draupadi hastened her steps towards her bedside shelf as soon as the other person left, guilefully popping down a pill only to lightly choke on excessive water.

Expected serotonin raced through her veins and decelerated her negatively overworked brain's engine and after 2-3 deep breaths, a mysterious smile decorated her sullen face, a little secret of hers had helped her through all the lowly days.

"Ahem ahem...someone's making you a cup of aromatic espresso" Lakshana bombarded inside Draupadi's room, "Looks like my dear friend has already started to make her husband dance to her tunes" She chortled.

"Here you go, and you too!" Arjun passed two cups to the girls before humbly claiming a side chair which tastefully sat next to the cosy cream couch.

"Oh right!" Lakshana jumped, lightly slapping on her head, "I have booked two flight tickets for Delhi, you guys leave tomorrow" she bit her lower lip imagining a grand welcome which her aunt would give to her newest daughter in law.

"Okay" Draupadi's surrealistic smile hinted Arjun of a brewing scheme inside his lover's mind.


After three hours of inspecting the whole house alongside brainstorming the menu for the next day, he rubbed his sweaty palms under cold water before splashing the chilly water on his dusty face,
"Hruti" His energy could be felt outside the washroom, "tell the others to hurry up with the house's embellishing".

Bheem grinned at the mirror and tried to set his messy hair in Nakul's style, taking a millisecond break from his sprinting thoughts, he thanked his stars for making it all smooth for everyone.

A sudden remembrance from some time ago made him shake his head in precognition, Pritha was told about a surprise guest for whom the whole Kuruvanshi Mansion was being dolled up, specifically without the help of any servant.

He glanced at the mirror once again and then sensed a premonition relating to the arrival of his brother and the guest.
What if Pritha does not welcome the new relationship?

"Gravit is the happiest one after hearing the news" Hruti twinkled at her son who was unnaturally playful since past few hours.

"He ought to be" Bheem picked the little infant in his arms and kissed his cheeks.

The picture-perfect family of three decoded two new entries in their room, Nakul and Sahdev's lazy conditions made their elder brother compassionate enough to boost them with a group hug.

The youngsters of the Kuruvanshi household had been prancing around each corner of their house with pure intentions of celebrating their favourite sibling's new journey, although each one of them knew the actuality of their brother's marriage and how much his bride would respect this compromise.

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