Chapter 31

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An hour and so on the bustling streets of the capital city, more than one-fourth of a day in travelling and of course having Arjun as a complementary company, Draupadi's head ached for a welcoming cup of her favourite latte, she stretched her arms a little less so that she remains unnoticed by the man sitting beside her.

As the chauffeur honked at a big gate coloured in shades of toasted pecan, the yawning lady alerted her senses for the danger which would be eagerly awaiting her, inside the premises of Pritha's abode.

The wheels perhaps acted swifter now as they reunited with their favourite path unlike Draupadi, who couldn't help but alarmingly gape at the beautifully maintained front lawns and the archaic garden lights which enhanced the green glory.

With a screech, the black car stopped,
"A rough drive, definitely" the woman whispered before scolding the driver for lacking proficient driving skills.
Arjun giggled seeing his bride subconsciously take charge of the house's staff. He hopped out and hurriedly went to open the door for his lady, the man could feel a dead stare by his wife, however, he decided to ignore.

Draupadi permitted her confused eyes to have a quick yet genuine glance at the four-storeyed building, her new home, maybe.

A staunch structure with a perfect white finish, large casement doors sitting behind the huge balconies which were haphazardly distributed on the front, a narrow porch on the left side, presumably leading to the servant quarters.
A flat rooftop with a railing of peculiar pillars made of cream marble, along with few creeper plants swinging here and there on the walls.
The mansion looked like a modern palace, happening to start at one point on earth and ending at some other point, it surely looked unfriendly for visitors and daunting to anyone who sees it for the first time.

"Quick info, our room.." Arjun paused to note her reaction after hearing his words but the lady seemed lost in admiring the whole place. " our room faces the backside, so a much better view"

Her fingers hesitated to finely settle the tresses of her hair falling on her face and check for any lack in her attire as the place was intimidating her.

"Fit to go?" She questioned herself, only to be submerged in a storm of emotions recollecting the messy condition of her heart.

Without acknowledging the man beside her, she walked towards the main door and found herself reliving a memory,
a small cottage, his hand in hers, an eternal smile on her face, bubbling plans in her mind,  love kindling in her heart, only to be crushed by the cottage resident.

She halted sensing a sudden heaviness in her chest whilst anxiety toppled and turned her will power,
a much raggeder palm than hers brushed past her soft skin, her husband intertwined their fingers in a reassuring grip.

"Arj.." Draupadi's words timidly stuffed back as the door opened with a loud thud,
"Oh my god! Pinch me, I can't believe" Devangi bloated in pure excitement after observing her friend, who was now an official part of the family.

"Come in, you two!" She chortled, hugging her friend.

"I need to go to the loo" The new bride declared, paying no attention to the exotically decorated house and all the cheerful faces which were waiting to greet the couple.

"What" Deva shook her head, passing a silly smile.

Arjun, who had been silent all this while, calmly absorbed all the negative radiations which his wife was throwing towards him, he clearly saw how her legs were shivering and her face going pale but before he could try to calm her down, she went to the nearest room as guided by Devangi.

"Where are mom and dad?" The third child of Kuruvanshi family asked his brothers, " they are enjoying their poolside tea time" Sahdev smiled before all the five of them conversed cosmically about the temperament of their mother.

"Can I go to get some rest?" A perfectly fine Draupadi asked, reappearing suddenly.

"I think you should meet the elders before, obviously they don't know anything yet" Yash exclaimed, to which everyone else tensely nodded.

Pritha and Paranjay were called to the living hall much before Yash's sentences, the younger generation could hear the mellow chattering of their parents as the two made a nominal entry.

"What on earth is going on?" Paranjay vocalised observing Draupadi all cladded up in bright colours along with the thin layer of vermilion appearing on her head.

He tried his best to fake shock and dismay but the father couldn't control his laughter before revealing about his awareness about all what was brewing since the past few days in the house.

The older man, a mischievous grin highlighting his face, he came forward to embrace the couple.

"My dad's the coolest" Nakul smirked at Bheem who was baffled about the plan being leaked.

"What is she doing here?" Pritha swallowed the visible truth while screaming on the inside for the scene to be untrue.
The acknowledgement of Pritha's dominant existence brought in a rise in the temperature, the mother of five looked no less than a highly angered goddess, willing to kill as many as a thousand people.
Hurt and aghast, she felt cheated by her beloved son, the whole world seemed to shape in a foul speaking child for her.

"Mom.." Arjun screamed, noticing how his mother's feet trembled to stand still, he ran to her, wanting to support her, both physically and emotionally.

"Three feet away" Pritha commanded like she would do to a younger Arjun whenever he used to disobey her.

"I am sorry, maa" Tears grappling with his strength to stay tight in front of his birth giver.

"I told you not to" Pritha evidenced her grief, she couldn't stop her eyes from moistening with defeat.

The resolute in Draupadi's fixed soul was now being shaken, her ears vibrating with the words of her mother in law and husband's heart to heart, the bride gulped a ball of salty water before bursting out loud and shamelessly.
She viewed the brothers and their mother with a hazy vision, sobbing and whimpering. A pandora box wrapped in her past seemed to pour acid on her already shattered heart.

"I can't." She joined her hands, palpitating and shuddering in fear, bitter memories of the past cloned within her blocked mind.

With an immediate short circuit of adrenaline within her body, she ran outside the house.

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