Chapter 16

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Hello readers,
I know this chapter has been posted after a long break but I have still hurried with the chapter so there might be mistakes.
Also, please read The Descent, prologue of this story. ( find it on my profile).

Thank you,
Happy reading.

Dejected hands trembled over the wooden door,
"Who's there?" Draupadi called out after glancing at her costume, she tried to not let her tarnished desire of celebrating her friend's bachelorette glow on her face, the uninvited and unexpected rainfall of yesterday had deliberately poured its mischievous drops on the steamy plans of the bachelorette party which the girls had tastefully organised on the terrace lounge.

Yash's knuckles reddened as he constantly knocked, filled with guilt and remorse,
"Draupadi...." he gasped, acknowledging the open door and the beautiful lady,
"Please, just once" he loudly whispered, sticking his hand between the door and the doorframe just before it could be closed by her again.

"I am sorry" Yash's heart fluttered with deep regret, "Perhaps marriage binds people but love binds souls" he spurred, now looking straight into her eyes, he let an exaggerated sigh from his mouth,
"I will never return back in your life, you and Arjun have my good wishes"

"Do you really think I can forgive him easily?" The woman asked, averting her eyes, "he might be in my heart but I cannot dust off the past from my shoulders and start a new chapter with him,
so I am done with all you boys" Her temper lost, she plunged him out of her room.

"Don't spoil the makeup, don't" her strength giggled and vacuumed the tears from her dilated pupils.


Pastel shades decorated over the skins of the attendants, the bride and bridegroom in hues of white and red contrasting with the audience and even the setup,
Lakshana's everlasting smile perplexed with emotions of nervousness, she quietly jumped to sit beside Vidyut, the priest's hands folded as he began to limit Vidyut's limitless bachelorhood into a pious bond, the old man with hair like snow-capped mountains first declared his wish to enlighten the couple about marital life and then proceed with the rituals.

Amidst the crowd, only a pair of anklets roamed around in distress, her heart sunk thinking about the next day, her Arjun will go for forever,
the twin of the bridegroom panicked more realising that the nuptial garlands were missing and the ceremony was going to start any moment, she paced herself to the resort entrance, constantly typing the passcode of her phone to check with the florist who became their last hope to get new garlands made,
Draupadi looked up from the screen this time, her feminine sense evoked, is someone staring at her?

Her eyes met light brown orbs for a brief second only to be seen running in different directions.
"Heavenly" Arjun's overwhelming words tickled her heart and brought a red shine on her cheeks, his eyeballs scrutinised the blue-yellow softness of her clothes while she peeped at his subtle green attire.

"What are you doing here?" She hiccuped, curbing her fancy of throwing herself in his muscular arms that too when he looked just like his demigod version.
Arjun turned blue in shame, "I was following you" he spoke under his breath.
His conscious itched, from tomorrow she will be leading her life as before and he? He would lose his senses in his business even though his skin would crave for her gentle skin's touch,
they had separated before because of their fate but this time it was her wish, her decision.

"Ma'am the garlands and flower baskets" an impoverished voice coughed, with basic decency the lady took the baskets in her hand after discerning the weak state of the waiter,
The aching pupils of the long lost lovers met once again before she decided to walk away,
Draupadi's lehenga flowed beautifully to the ground, a new yet small difficulty arose as she tried to get a grip on the ground, she gulped her saliva followed by forcefully biting of the tongue,
"No..." she shouted, just six inches away from Arjun, the bamboo containers in the air, her twisted foot unbalancing her graceful self.

The man, a hero, swiftly stretched his arms around her waist, pressing against her waistband, she tripped over him, making them fall on the rigid marble floor with him on top of her, the woman's brain short-circuited temporarily halting her blinking actions, their peeper lost in each other, his light brown orbs diffusing with her dark brown ones to radiate with a soft hue,

"Why can't we stop time?" Their hearts asked each other.
The lookers could imagine of similar Bollywood scene but instead of flowers spraying over them from the tossed baskets, one landed over the Saviour's head,
Peals of Laughter reached his ears as he witnessed the unusual sight of her happiness, she was pushing him alongside guffawing at him and his messy hair.

His characteristic of not able to be unloved reproduced spores of reluctance in her heart, reluctance to let go of him, his touch, his presence.
The glowing flames in the sacrificial pit leapt and twirled to dance, smell of wood smoke smothered by the sweet incense of holy offerings.
Lakshana hopped in front of Vidyut as instructed by the priest, she walked leisurely, holding his hand, circumscribing the havan kund,
The grand wedding brought many people close and also provided a good time to all.
Yash slipped his fingers into Devangi's hand and the two stealthily exchanged glimpses,
Bheem winked at Hruti who slurped fruit juice,
Samarth redirected his phone from his ear to his chest, unnoticed by all, he let Bhavya hear his heart beats and also the promise of coming back soon,
Suyan lightly tapped his feet under the round table, stressful sweat over his forehead,
what if he gets punished in this birth too?

Like a quiet person, the usually chirpy Shanaya, spread a melancholic aura as she watched the wedding ceremonies, she took a deep breath after recalling Arjun's reaction of the other day, her mind promised itself to convince the man, after all, it was true he wasn't aware of their alliance and such a response was natural from his side.

Arjun zoomed out his vision from her, his Krishnaa, who was actively taking part in the ceremonies with a pasted smile on her face, she looked cheerful but his mind could perceive her emotions,
unknown to him, another pair of eyes were viewing his lady love with a similar feeling.
Karan silently observed the woman whom he never respected in the previous birth,
"This birth is for me to make amends, Draupadi, I will make sure that we come together"

With a final toast to the newly wedded, everyone dispersed from the ballroom to retire to their rooms,
The previously named Princess of Panchala's swollen eyes and disturbed sleep engaged her in reckless crying,
Was this the end of everything?
They met, they recalled and now are parting ways?

"But isn't this what you wanted?" Her heart mocked the uneasiness spawning within her,

"If love can fade then so can pain, though I feel your pain is still afresh" Krishna's hands cupped her cheeks, " The years gone by have not dulled either your love or your pain, right Sakhi?"

Draupadi shook her head, trying to not let past memories take a toll over her,
"I will not love him, I have to control myself" she shouted, throwing pillows on the ground.
The bet between her brain and her heart led her brain to call itself victorious.

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