Chapter 36

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"Serve your foremost spouse first" Priyamvadha hushed in the ears of Panchala Princess, whose distraught clumsiness made her mother in law ponder,
"what are you waiting for, dearie? Start serving the food" Kunti passed a uniform smile to the lady who seemed to be swallowed by the ground beneath.

"Priyam, Rajkumar Arjun or the eldest son of Mata Kunti?" Draupadi disposed her worry on her friend.

"Of course, the crown prince, you foolish girl, Rajkumar Arjun doesn't count the foremost one here.." the sensible advisor quickly calculated the family's temperament.

"But..but..didn't the third Pandava marry me first? I was betrothed to him in a Gandharvic way!" The newly wedded woman quarrelled.

"Do as I say if you wish to maintain the decorum here" Priyam forced her commanding spirit onto the woman.

Diminutive horripilation feared her heart, Draupadi palpitated visioning a past reel, her body shuddered for a loud second while Arjun crawled over her waist with his hefty fingers.

"Something's wrong with you" his unhappy tone after frisking the goosebumps on her skin, alerted her brain to cook up stories.

"May I skip breakfast?" She sled cunningly from his curious eyes.

"What!? You were screaming in hunger just a few minutes ago" Arjun pacified himself before bursting into giggles recalling how she created havoc in the room because she felt a hunger monster roll in her stomach.

"No one wants me to be in this house, Arj.." she stitched her lips and concealed direct allegations, only to portray a delicate yearning, "I am sick"

"Really?" Arjun bit his lower lip while pulling her closer to himself.
A smirk crept on his lips as he began tickling her.

"You can't tickle your way to victory" she seemed unamused, pushing his body away.

"It did work, didn't it?" The childishness in his masculine voice paused her internal battles.

"Maybe, maybe not" she demanded to be pleased, thus challenging the lover of challenges.
The man turned his back to the woman after sighing in ignorance, irking the woman's esteem.
She designated herself to the study desk before taking short glimpses of her husband who was supposedly neglecting her presence.

"Drau...Draupadi! I am going to the dining hall, it's up to you to join" the final arrow left Arjun's bow to hit the bull's eye.
He deliberately crushed his wife's innate hopes of him mollifying her, he very well knew how to handle the proud lady.


"Oh! Well, Draupadi is here too" Nakul flattered his eyes for spotting the newest member first.

Closing all the tabs of past trauma and past life's connections, the bride only focused on how easily her husband disregarded her and then comfortably positioned herself on a dining chair next to Devangi, casually spurning her mother in law or the brothers of her husband.
Her eyes squeezed and brows furrowed each time Arjun happened to glance at her, how dare he not placate her?

"So, Draupadi, how much would you rate our family and this house?" Bheem burst as soon as his mother walked out of the hall, as if he was waiting for her to leave.

Pritha wasn't able to absorb the picture of the 'unwanted guest' and so had quickened her actions and then signalled her husband to follow her steps.

"I? Err.. isn't it too early to say anything?" the lady chuckled, "moreover, I have not been given a proper house tour yet" she complained like a kid.

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