Chapter 1

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Warm tears trailed off her face after concentrating on those regularly disturbing dreams of hers, who were they?
The nameless people who would appear in her dreams but torment her sanity.

She scooped down the bed, hurriedly, realizing the time after the alarm buzzed thrice.
Vidyut is getting married, she reminded herself, the stream of cold droplets numbed her perfectly shaped face, the running tap depicted her flowing emotions, the negatively steered emotions which had developed in the course of her dreadful abnormal visions which had become a habit now.

The sunny day was the first out of the tedious 15-20 days which she had to spend in an exotic and lavish resort for her twin brother's wedding,

"Drau!" Her senses shook as Sarakshi made a nominal entry in the room.

"Hurry up" Sarakshi's voice panicked before muttering a few words about punctuality.
Draupadi giggled lowly at the antics of her beloved elder sister who had wedded her childhood sweetheart two years ago. Successfully tackling the eldest child of the Panchkul household, the youngest one of the same family subconsciously pooled the thoughts of her absurd dreaming pattern and alarming flashes.

The young lady considered her life as a puzzle, exact pieces fitting in and making a beautiful picture, famed family name, luxurious lifestyle, abundant wealth and perhaps all the riches in the world were a part of her life, however, a small missing piece was catering to her miseries,
she harboured in her heart, an unnatural space which she related to in her bizarre dreams.
Such nightmares did not revolve around somebody's death or her failing a test or being lost in an unknown place but something which was beyond her thinking, even the psychiatrists she used to visit were not able to decipher her problem.
Frequently dressed in traditional robes, often in plain pauper like attire, sometimes in a forest and sometimes with a man whose blurred face made her wonder. The most regular one which severely affected her was about her being with five men.

Draupadi's phone beeped for the sixth time when she finally turned to see what it was,
" maternal cousins have arrived, Where are you? Meet me as soon as possible!" A message from the bride to be brought a faint curve of lips on her face, her dearest friend was her twin's delight.

The woman of 5'7 decided to pull off a comfortable traditional outfit, she hastily changed into a pure white chiffon salwar kameez. Her feet used a faster pace to greet her brother's muse though a quick reminder of a video conference with an international client lead her astray.


Arjun did not hope to meet a special someone at this wedding unlike he did the last time he attended a close relative's wedding, his latest ex-girlfriend turned out to be a disaster, little possessive and teenage minded.

A warm sigh on the inside tumbled his thoughts of his last love being invited to this ceremony, after all, grand marriages like these list all the big names.

"Arjun" Lakshana waved excitedly before embracing him, "where are the other boys?" The energetic woman questioned,

"The twins have accompanied me while the other two will be reaching in a couple of days" he formed quotation marks with his long fingers and stating entrepreneurial pressures.

Arjun was running 25, having joined his family business on the very next day next of his graduation, he was known to be soberly intellectual, sharp-witted and a person who carried exemplary leadership qualities, excluding the fact that his nerves had been acting wacky since past few months due to which he was barred from the office for some time.
The twins, his younger siblings, Nakul and Sahdev, were in the last academic year of their college life, the older twin, Nakul was very carefree and a socialite, however, Sahdev was docile and proved to be a decent boyfriend to his girlfriend, both the boys were actively involved in their college's co-curricular activities.

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