Chapter 6: A girl from the past

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No one's pov


in the Magnolia Mall in a cafeteria there was sitting a woman with short white hair and crystal blue eyes thinking of the man that she is in love with but it makes her angry thinking that he doesn't want her and she gave a promise to herself that "Natsu Dragneel i will make you mine and destroy Lucy Heartfilia" she was a devil in disguise a woman that no one wants to mess with but what she doesn't know is that Natsu Dragneel is a Mafia Leader and he will stop at nothing to make Lucy his and will destroy anything and anyone who tries to get on his way and of course if someone tries to hurt her and his son then he will give them a slow and painful death.

Natsu's Pov


Lucy was looking at me like she wanted to say something to me something serious but i think i already know what she wants to say to me.

I have made my research about her family and of course I know that her father is going to use her for money and he is going to do the same thing that he did with his best friend but i wasn't born yesterday in a few seconds he is going to tell me that if i want to marry his daughter then i have to merge my company with his I'm not an idiot.

"If you want to marry my daughter first you need to merge your company with mine so that we make more money for my daughter and grandson to live a life like queen and prince you know what i mean.right?"her father said and of course his gonna use our son but i have a reply to that.

Lucy's grip on me tightened and i glance at her sh was looking at me with a pleading look shaking her head no slowly because she didn't want her father to notice i know what she was thinking the moment that she realised what her father is going to do and i know that because when she is thinking something that worries her she is tightening her grip on someone or something in our case right now me.

"Sir every day i make over 10 billion i think i have enough to take care of my fiancé and my son to make them feel like they are queen and prince so my answer is no i won't merge my company with yours."i said, Layla was looking shocked,Luce relieved and Jude angry.

"Then I won't give you my daughter"he said with a smirk on his face

"Is that so,to bad cause I'll marry her with or without your consent"i said and ther jaws were on the floor while Luce was looking uncomfortable and too shocked to talk

"What you can't marry her think what will happen to her child if he sees you out of nowhere playing his father he will be shocked and this will cause him a lot if trauma"said her mother which she was quiet all this time

"My son will be just fine mrs after all he is happy that his dad is back from business"i said and the smirk was evident in my face

"YOUR SON?"they both shouted

"Yes mother and father Natsu is Lukes biological father"Luce said finally getting out of her shock state.

"Anyway Luce why don't you go and pack yours and Lukes stuff."i said i needed to make a conversation with her parents and since she doesn't know about the illegal stuff i do and she won't know.

"Okay"she said she got up and made her way towards the stairs and went to her room

"Okay now let's get on business"i said while getting my gun out and putting it to the table, their eyes widened and were glued ob the gun

"You are going to agree to our marriage and everything will go smoothly.okay?"Layla nodded but Jude had other plans

"Merge with my company and i will let her marry you"he said,okay that was unexpected but oh well i guess I need to take my revenge for my uncle by destroying him and his company but of course i can't let Luce know about my plan she will hate me and I can't let that happen.

"Okay i will"he won't know what hit him.

I put my gun back to my waistband.

Lucy was coming down with hers and Lukes suitcases i got up and helped her

We said our goodbyes after they agreed to give their blessings with the fakest smile I've ever seen,and we got in the car. The drive back home had a comfortable silence i was glassing at Luce here and there and i noticed that her body is like she never gave birth to a 4 year old boy actually she is more sexy than ever and all mine.

Lucy's pov


we arrived at Natsu's house and the moment that we opened the door we were both tackled to the ground by none other than Luke but my smile vanishes and is replaced by anger when i see the person behind him Lisanna Strauss the girl that Natsu cheated on me and my anger is increased when i see Luke's teary eyes and the bruises on his arm and his cheek that have been made by a tight grip and a slap.


Hey guys just so you know i made an Instagram account named


And i will update somethings about the chapters when will they be updated and stuff like this




Chapter 7 will be out soon

Love you all

BYE ❣️❣️❣️

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