Chapter 7:I put my son above everyone else

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Lucy's pov


The moment that i saw Luke's teary eyes and bruised arm and the handprint on his chick i lost it i look up and see the one that i hate the most Lisanna Strauss and then it hit me she is the one that did this to my little boy i saw nothing but red

"Luke i want you to go upstairs to your room and lock the door until mommy comes okay don't open the door to anyone else except me hmm?"i said to Luke he nodded and run upstairs and i heard his door lock i look up to Lisanna who hasn't even noticed that I'm even here she is only watching Natsu and she is all seductive smiles,Natsu on the other hand is probably as angry as i am after all even if he met Luke yesterday I'm sure that he loves him and he will do anything for him

"Natsuuu~ i am so happy to see you after 1 whole year did you miss me honey?"did she just say one year???

"What are you doing here Lisanna?"Natsu asks her

"Can't i see my fiancé i mean we are to get married in 1 month from now"and then it hit me he is doing the same thing as he did at high school he is having us both again but i won't let it slide this time the deal is off i won't let him win this time if he wants to go at war for our child's guardianship so be it i won't lose i have to get my son away from here and there's only one way to do this I won't fail.

I made my way upstairs without making a noise and made my way towards Luke's room i knocked the door and told him it was me he opened the door immediately and he hugged me like his life depends on it Luke is very sensitive in front of the others he is strong he won't cry but in front of me he is showing me his true nature he is very sensitive and overprotective of me for me he is the only man in my heart and Natsu won't find his way in my heart again.

"Mommy are you okay? Did she hurt you?"Luke asked worried

"I'm fine sweetheart but what happened?" I asked my 4 year old son

"She came hear telling me that she was dad's fiancé and when i told her i was his son she asked me who was my mother i told her your name she started to snap at me and then i tried to go over to miss Laki and she pushed me towards dad's fiancé Lisanna,when she caught she had an iron grip on my arm and bruised it i stepped on her foot and so she can let me go but she slapped me and she started saying things about you so i pull her hair and kicked her and then you guys came."woah my son is amazing"i smiled and hugged him and he hugged me back.

Natsu's pov

Luckily Luce has gone upstairs and hasn't heard about the fiancé part or else she'll have my head this time "i asked you something Lisanna what are you doing here and what are you talking about I'm not your fiancé"i asked her she made a move to walk towards me but she stumbled and almost fall but i caught her in time

"What happened Lisanna?"i asked her now concerned about her well being"that kid when i told him that we are best friends he pulled my hair and kicked me and he was saying that if i tell anyone he will make me seem crazy because his mom believes everything that he is saying and our friendship will be over because he is your son"she said on the verge of crying i can't believe that Luke did all this it seems that Luce didn't do a good job at raising him but i will eventually teach him how to behave to women

"It's okay I'll handle him"i said to her i helped her sit down"and about the fiancé part i was just joking"she said and i smiled,you see me and Lisanna became friends after Luce broke up with me she even helped me search for her which makes me think Luce was on America just like Lisanna is wierd that they did not even meet each other once oh well maybe it wasn't meant for them to meet

"So am i came here to tell you I'm back and i learnt that you have a son with Lucy?"she asked and i didn't like the way she said her name but maybe it was my imagination

"Yeah i learned the day before yesterday i have a son"i said to her and she gasped"oh my god you mean to tell me that she hid the fact that you have a son?"she asked me

"Come on Lisanna i was saying to her that i love her while i was doing sex with you sorry but wouldn't you do the same?"i asked her and she shook her head no

"I wouldn't i would put my child above my feelings,i would listen to what you would have said and then try to give us a shot because of our child"she said and somehow i wish Luce wouldn't put herself first instead of Luke.

"I should go now it's getting late" she said and stood up and left. I went upstairs dead set at putting Luke on his place he can't behave like this.

Lucy's pov

I finally managed to calm Luke down and Natsu entered on the room and he looked angry "Luke could you please tell me why did you hit Lisanna?"okay i didn't like the way he was asking it's like he is accusing him for doing the world's worst crime

"Because she was hurting me" Luke said

"Lisanna could never hurt someone so stop lying I'm not your mother who believes everything that they say to her okay I'm not as idiot as your mother"did he just called me an idiot in front of my son i don't like that

I dragged Natsu out of Luke's room to his room and as soon as i closed the door i slap him across his face

"You are accusing my son about Lisanna and calling me an idiot in front of him and expect me to sit there and watch"

"He is lying Lisanna would have never hurt him" he said

"What"i can't believe him

"Yeah Luce he is lying and who's fault is this yours and you know why because you didn't do a good job at raising him it would have been prevented if you told me about your pregnancy and give us a shot for him"he didn't just said that

I slapped him again

"Whenever i made plans for the future with us being together and have a child do you remember what you used to say to me........ I'll remind you 'no matter what will we be our future together or not i don't want children' that's what you always told me, when you took my virginity you didn't use a condom you panicked the other day do you remember what you said to me?"i asked

"Answer me"

"I said that if you stay pregnant i want you to do an abortion"he said

"So what makes you think that you can tell me that i put myself above him your wrong Natsu"

"I put my son above everyone else"with that being said I went to Luke's room i locked the door,i turned around and saw my little boy crying and that broke my heart

I approached him and hugged him tightly

"It's okay i believe you,everything will be okay"


Hey little buddies as you can see i made a plot.

Don't you think it's too easy?

I think so that's why i will make Lucy fight Natsu

I mean he can't honestly think that by blackmailing she will come back to him

And also he needs to figure out who Lisanna truly is

Love you all



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