Chapter 2: DNA results

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Natsu's pov


I was trying to concentrate on my work but damn i couldn't my mind was on Luce if he is my son why did she never told me?

I know that i fucked up but still i had the right to know but deep inside me i know why she never told me it's because of Lissana,because i cheated on her the truth is that back then i didn't knew my feelings about Lucy it was just that she caught my eye and i wanted a good toy to play with at first she resisted but when i actually planed a fake attack towards her i pretended to save her and she started opening up to me and i asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes and we starting dating the original plan was to fuck her and the next day damp her but after she gave me her virginity i wanted more from her and all that while in the same time i was fucking Lissana on that party i didn't know Luce was coming and i wanted to fuck Lissana so i did and while i was Luce got into the room and when i saw her tears i wanted to crawl and die after one week i was informed that Luce left and no one knew where she was so i i realized my feelings for her i was in love with her so i begun searching for her in Japan or abroad but never found her

Just as i was thinking about our story there was a knock on the door and with the usual 'come in' the door opened reviling Levy holding a paper i knew what the paper was it was the results of the DNA test between me and Luke and Lucy and Luke just to be sure that she was his mother instead of his gurdian as she gave me the papers i begun to read it...

Lucy's pov


i sat there on my old room with my son on my lap reading a book.For his age he is quite smart and he loves reading just like I do

Tomorrow i need to find an apartment for the two of us and the next week i will also start my job again the contract that i made with my boss was one week off from work to adapt here and this week i intend to spend it with my son and have some fun together like always

I am afraid to encounter with Natsu and Luke the moment he sees him then he will realise that he is his son and i am afraid of that because he can take him away from me

Luke looked up from the book and said

"Mom can i ask you something?"he said looking sleepy
"Of course sweetheart"i said
"Why i don't have a dad?"he ask me with pleading eyes i don't know how to answer i have to lie even though i hate lying to my son
"Because Daddy has a lot of work and he can't come home to see us"i answered with the hope of him believing it
"Will he ever come home from work so I can meet him?"he asked
"Someday he will"after hearing my answer he smiled pleased with my answer
"but for know you have to sleep cause tomorrow we are going to have lots of fun ok?"
"Yes mom"he answers excitement evident in his voice
"Goodnight lil'man"
"Goodnight mommy"

Natsu's pov


I can't stop reading the results over and over again Luke is actually mine and Luce's son i knew it and that paper confirms it and i couldn't be happier

Soon my beloved Luce you will be mine again either you like it or not


Hey guys chapter 3 is going to be uploaded in a few days ❤️❤️❤️


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