Chapter 17: Learning the truth

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Lucy's Pov


Darkness is all i see and emotional pain all i feel

How could he?

He didn't even hesitate aiming that gun at me,hell i didn't even know that he had a gun

But do i really know who he truly is?

What if my son is in danger because that idiot thinks that he isn't his?

What if he already has hurt him?

I opened my eyes and saw that I'm in an unfamiliar room and bed

I look around and saw it was painted red, it has a king size bed which i am laying right now, modern furniture in the colour black and has 4 doors. The one I'm guessing is the exit, the other the bathroom, the next a walk in closet, but i don't know what is on the last door


I look down and saw that I'm wearing different clothes

I'm currently wearing a white tank top and gray sorts

Then i heard footsteps coming closer so i decided to pretend that I'm asleep

"Do you think she's going to be okay??"an unfamiliar voice said

"It's just sleeping drug Juvia of course she's gonna be okay"another voice that i recognised as Gray said

"Yeah but she hasn't woke up and it's been two days since that incident"the girl named Juvia said

Two days?????

"Plus Natsu is worried he blames himself for the plan he thinks that it's his fault"Juvia said

Or he is worried that he couldn't kill me yet

But i won't let him hurt Luke even if it cost me my life i won't let him touch him

"We were in hurry Lisanna was just outside the house Erza didn't see how much sleeping drug she gave her and plus every drug has a different reaction to someone's body"Gray said

"Your right come on let's go see how Mira is doing"Juvia said

"Yeah let's go"Gray replied

They opened the door and got out and their footsteps slowly disappeared

I got up and made my way towards the door, i slowly opened it trying to be careful not to make a sound and got out slowly closing the door behind me i slowly made my way down the hall and as i was passing by a room i heard laughter not just any laughter but Luke's laughter

As i was going to open the door i felt a metal thing on my head stoping my tracks

"My my trying to see our son without informing me"that voice

The voice of the man i love and hate the most

Natsu Dragneel

"He is my son not yours you lost that right the moment that you believed Lisanna's lies"i said turning around slowly

Turns out the metal thing was a gun

"Let's go talk now"he said griping my arm and pulling me away from the door

"I have nothing to talk with you"i said struggling to free myself

"You either walk with your own free will or I'll carry you there myself"he said

Geez this guy pisses me off

"I'm not going anywhere with you"i said

And he let me go and put the gun back on his waistband

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