Chapter 9: I'll take care of you

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Lucy's Pov


I woke up feeling like I've been hit by a train I'm feeling weak

I was in the room that i woke up naked the other day but this time i was wearing a shirt and boxer which judging by the heavenly smell is Natsu's clothes

Did i just said heavenly?

Something is wrong with me

Anyway luckily Natsu is not beside me this time I'm still wondering though were is he?

And speak of the devil

There he is with all his glory coming inside the room with a tray filled with food

"Goodmorning"i said to not get him suspicious

Today I'm gonna proceed with my plan, I'm not going to marry Natsu and I won't let him take my child away from me

"You should say Good afternoon"he said and he set the tray on the bed next to me

"What do you mean?"

"Luce you've been sleeping all day yesterday and today until now and it's afternoon"he said

I was surprised

First because he said that I've been sleeping all day yesterday and today until now and second because of that nickname he always used to call me Luce a nickname that for some reason always gave me butterflies.

5 years ago everytime he gave me butterflies i was the happiest girl on the whole world

Now it makes me want to cry and get over him

"Stop calling me Luce"i told him

"No can't do"he said with a smirk

"Where's Luke?"i asked

"He is sleeping we played so much that he got tired"he replied with a smile on his face

I ate my food while listening how was Natsu's and Luke's day

If i proceed with my plan Luke will lose this the bond that he has with his father

It made me start thinking if i told Natsu about Luke 5 years ago then he would have his father

Maybe Natsu was right maybe i am a bad mother, maybe i did put myself above him,maybe i don't deserve his love

I finished eating with this thoughts on my head

Then suddenly Natsu put his hand on my forehead and frowned,he removed his hand and took something out of the bedside table

"Here take this"he said giving me some pills

"Why?"i asked for all i know it could be some poison or sleeping drugs or something bad

"You have fever the doctor said to take this for a week"okay that explains why I feel weak

I took the from his hand and he gave me a glass of water,i put the pills on my mouth and drunk water to swallow them better

Then i started feeling sleepy before i close my eyes i said something that i never thought that i would say especially to Natsu of all people

"Maybe your right, maybe i am a bad mother"

And then sleep took over me

Natsu's Pov

What she said before she fell asleep shocked me those words can't leave my mind it's my fault that she thinks of that

She is not a bad mother she did everything to make Luke happy so i won't let her think like that also her fever is not coming down either i talked with Porlyusica but she said to wait for 3 more days because it's too early she started medication yesterday if her fever doesn't come down then she'll run some tests to see what's happening

I am currently driving to the base of my mafia Fairy Tail and I'm gonna make Laki talk either with the good way or with the bad way

Trust me of i say that i can be very much heartless and emotionless

My heart only beats for Luce i have emotions only when I'm with her and Luke our son

To the others I'm a monster

I arrived at Fairy Tail and went inside

Fairy Tail's base is actually a mansion not very far from mine,the members of Fairy Tail have houses around my mansion so that if there is a threat they can protect my family but not very close so that no one will get suspicious

I made my way in and everyone bow their heads to show me their respect that they have for me

"Where is she?"i asked

"In the basement boss"Gazeel Redfox replied

Gazeel Redfox was a scary looking guy with black long hair,red eyes,lots of piercings and the worst voice ever so if one day you hear him sing get out if the room or else your ears will be in pain for more than a month

I made my way towards the basement and their i saw Laki

Her lips were riped open,her body was dirty and had dried blood here and there,her face was bruised just like her stomach

Now if you think that i wouldn't hurt or torture her because she's a girl your sadly mistaken because i don't have this kind of morals

"Laki,Laki,Laki,Laki i gave you a job,a house to live when you had none and you betrayed me like that because of your stupid friendship with Lisanna?well you can pretty much say i didn't like that"i said to her i enjoy the fear that i see in her eyes

"I-i-i'm sorry"she said and started sobing

"I don't have time for your crying so if you don't tell me what Lisanna is planning and why I'll kill you slowly and painfully.Got it?"i told her while at the same time trying to pick a knife to torture her until she talks

~time skip~

I went back home mad about what Laki told me because clearly Lisanna lost it

Because of her all this years I wasn't there for my son and my Luce it's all because of her

I know that i was a jerk and i made Luce hate me but if Lisanna wasn't there i would have made her forgive me,i would have been there during her pregnancy,i would have been there when she was giving birth to Luke,we would have been married and live happily if Lisanna didn't even exist if i had just killed her all those years ago.

I made my way towards our room and saw Luce their sleeping I could tell she took a bath she was wearing my shirt and my boxer

She is so beautiful and sexy in my clothes

It makes me hard just imagining the things that I could do to that body of hers

Then she started coughing i went close to her and checked her temperature and as expected she has a fever

I didn't want to wake her up so i took the medicine that Porlyusica gave her
and gave her an injection

I'm getting worried her fever hasn't come down at all

If it doesn't come down in the next two days i will take her to the hospital

Luke wanted to see jer but I couldn't let him because Porlyusica forbid ir cause Luke is a kid which is making him vulnerable of catching the flu.

I took a shower and wear my boxer only and went to bed and wrapped my arms around Luce and whispered softly to her ear

"I'll take care of you"

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