Chapter 21: You Took The Most Presious Person In The Whole Wide World From Me

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Lucy's pov



i woke up by the smell of blood, a bad headache and the need to Through up

But When i opened my eyes i was trully terrified

I was in a cell with all kind of torture devicies and i was tied up in a chair

I could feel my wrists bleading

*author's note: for all of you who have watched the TARTAROS ARC from Fairy tail and are wondering if she is naked then the answer is no she is not naked, she is fully clothed*

Then i remembered that i got kidnapped

And guess who it was....

You guesed right

It was fucking Lisanna

That girl is crazy. She came from behind and hit me with Something on the head

On the day that i was going to tell Natsu that i'm pregnant

This girl is messed up

Then i heard footsteps

Someone is coming

Natsu's pov



They are going to fucking pay for taking them from me

I can't imagine what my girl is going Through



With those monsters

"calm down pyro we'll get her back" Gray said

"we better do or else i'll kill everyone and burn down anything on my path"i said

Then i looked down the ultrasound photo and tears slipped out

I can't imagine what is she going Through right now

I wiped Away my tears

A knock on the Door was heard an after Gray gave the aproval Gazeel came in

"Gazeel did you got the money that i asked you?"i asked Gazeel

"yes boss there all here" he let the bag on the desk and then left

"if anything happens to her i'll die, i won't be able to handle it, to live" i said to Gray while looking athim straight in the eyes

"i know man, i know" he said while having his hand on my shoulder as a sign of support probably imagining how he would feel if Juvia was on Luce's place

LUCY'S pov



Lisanna appeared with an evil smirk

And she got in the cell that i was in

"in all honestly Natsu had me fooled i Could have never imagined that you and that filthy child of yours are still alive" she said with discust

"don't talk about mine and Natsu's son like that" i said with anger

And she slapped me

Then i gave her such a menacing glare that she became terrified but quickly but hid it

And the that sinister smirk came back

"you should have never came back here. Everything was going acording to plan, Natsu was going to become mine and you would be far away from us, from our happiness-"

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