chapter 5: The announcement

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Natsu's Pov


I am happy to hear her say those words she really loves our son and she is willing to marry me for him but I'll change her opinion for me after our marriage

"Now please let me go and tell me why are we naked???"she asked and the irritation is evident in her voice about the fact that we are naked

"Oh nothing love it's just that you didn't seem comfortable with you clothes on so i thought why not take your clothes off so i did" i said with a smirk

"Y-y-y-you t-took m-my c-c-c-clothes o-off???" She said while stuttering and blushing and i nod

"Okay can you at least tell me why did you took your clothes off and slept next to me"she asked me and i could see that she was angry which was not good because she is hot and i can feel my dick getting hard which is not good because if she sees that she'll kill me and she will think that I took advantage of her.

"Will you answer my question?"

"Because this is my room and I'm not comfortable sleeping with my clothes?"i said to her like a question.
"Anyway now that we made the deal we need to announce to everyone about our engagement and you need to introduce me to your parents."i said.

"Ok" she said a bit hesitant like she is afraid of something.

"How about you call them now in front of me hmm?"i asked her she nodded and i gave her my phone

She took a deep breath and dialled the number

"Heartfilia residence how may i help you?" I heard a voice said through the phone

"Hey Virgo it's me Lucy can you please tell my parents that in two hours i will come with a guest to discuss something please?"she said and by the tone of her voice i could hear her nervousness even though she tried to hide it

"Oh miss Heartfilia we were so worried thank god that your all right
And don't worry I'll inform them right away" she said with excitement

"Thanks Virgo see you later"Luce said and with that she hanged up.

"Mommy... Daddy?"we heard our little boy calling us.

"Hey little buddy how was your sleep?"

Luke came in the room and sat beside us

"I slept well...mommy why are you and dad only covered with a sheet?"and that's when Lucy and i looked pale.

"B-because mommy and daddy took a shower sweetheart"Lucy answered and i can tell she was nervous.

Luke made an 'o' shape and nodded

And we relaxed

"Why don't you go and get dressed and then come down for a delicious breakfast hmm?"i told Luke and he nodded and run off to his room.

"Where are my clothes?"she asked me

"Oh about that i gave them to my maid and she accidentally got them dirty"i hope she believes that

"What maid?
Yesterday when we came here no
One except us was here"she said

Well what can I say now let's see

Well she came later to make dinner and thats how i gave her your clothes so she can clean them up but she somehow managed to get them dirty i don't know how cause i didn't ask cause who knew what kind of lies she will tell me and-"

"Okay okay I don't want to know the details anyway what am i going to wear now?"and now is my time to smirk

"You can wear my clothes...or yoy can be naked all day either way I don't mind in fact I'll enjoy it,a lot"i said and her eyes widened and she was blushing

"I-i-i think I'll go with the first option"she said while blushing

I stood up and went to the walk in closet and took one of my shirts and one of my boxers and came out and gave them to her and ahe run off to the bathroom and i went to Luke.

~time skip~

Lucy's pov


Okay to said that I'm nervous would be an understatement I'm fucking terrified how can i face them they are so strict okay calm down everything will be okay

I was calming myself down and i opened the door,me and Natsu as you already know are going to tell my parents about our engagement of course before coming here he threatened me that if i tell them or to anyone else about the deal or that he is threatening me with Luke i wont be able to see my son again so i won't risk it.

As we walked in we were greeted by my parents and they were glaring at me

Great note the sarcasm

"Mother,father i would like to talk to you about something important to me"i told them then my father noticed Natsu and his eyes widened

And my father said"oh mr Dragneel what a pleasure to have you here please come sit with us"my father took Natsu to the living room

To say i was surprised would be an understatement one moment they were mad and the other when they saw Natsu they were all sweetness.

I followed them in the living room and i sat down next to Natsu my father was talking to him like they were old friends it surprised me more than i thought it would

And then my fear became true my father started talking about business and then it hit me if i tell my father that I'm going to marry him then he will do anything to merge with Natsu's company and then he will find a way to take all his money and cause his company to go bankrupt my father is going to destroy Natsu i can't let him do this i need to talk to Natsu my father has done this before with his best friend and it makes me think if he did this to his best friend then he won't stop to Natsu who is the father of my child i need to do something and fast.

"Well you never told us how did you two know eachother hm?"my father told us

"About that me and Luce have something to tell you "with that being said by Natsu i got out from my thoughts

"What is it?"my mother said

"We are getting married"said Natsu while looking at me and holding my hand.

"WHAT"said both of my parents i look at them my mother looks terrified while my father looks excited probably thinking of all the money he can get by using me

______________________________________ time for some drama to begin from Lucy's side her father but from Natsu's a girl from the past who broke them apart.

Also i know i don't write the best stories in the world but I'm okay with whoever doesn't like it he/she can leave

Love you all see you next time

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