Chapter 4:Deal

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Natsu's pov

Judging by the look in her eyes That came out wrong

She was looking at me with wide eyes
That held sadness inside as of i took the whole world from her which is not what I wanted

"You want to spend time with my son
With your fiancé?"she said and she took the wrong idea after all

"First he is our son and second i didn't mean it like that you know"i said

"and how did you meant it?"she said with anger evident in her voice

"what i meant is that if you want our son to be with you then you have to marry me if you don't accept then I'll take you to court and take him away from you,you know that i have ways to make you seem like crazy and also everyone know what kind of man i am so who do you think will win you or me?"i said and saw that she was shocked and the fear was evident in those chocolate brown orbs that i love

"Don't worry you have time to decide
but if i were you i would choose the first option"i said with a serious face

"Your insane"she said so angry that it turns me on but i can't show her that she has that kind of affect on me

"I'm not insane... anyway you have one week to decide"i stand up to go over Luke, the urge to meet him is beyond my control he is my son after all but a hand stopped me and i felt a tingle i turned around and i saw her she was beautiful even though she looked pale

"Why?"she asked

"Because I don't like to share what's mine plus i let you roaming around for 5 years now be a good girl and accept it got it?"she nodded i don't like to treat her like that but she needs to understand that she is mine and no one else's the only thing that I have to do is make her fall in love with me all over again

"I am gonna go now,you have one week to decide also don't think to run away because i have people watching your every move also sooner or later he needs to know about me,so what did you tell him about me"i asked her seriously this time

"I told him that you are far away for business"she said

"Good that way it will come natural to him when he meets me"i said

"He alrea-"she tried to say but she was cut off by a small boy's voice

"Dad???"i turned around and i saw Luke calling me with so much happiness and i immediately bent down to hug him and hold him in my arms But the question is how did he know who i am?

From the corner of my eye i could see Luce tense

"Dad you came home from your work"he said with happiness and excitement evident in his voice

"Hey little buddy are you happy that I'm here?"I asked him

"YES"he said with a big smile and i couldn't help but smile back because after so many years i finally have my son and my girl right here beside me and I'll do anything to see a just one single smile on their faces. Luke took my hand and sat beside Luce and i sat beside him, Luce immediately hugged Luke and she had a smile on her face it wasn't fake it was real our son is her happiness and in the future I'll be her happiness as well i promise this to myself I'm gonna make her fall in love with me and then we'll be happy

"Why don't we guys go to my house and have a hot chocolate?"i suggested that so i can have some time with Luce. The Moment that i saw her seating here in the park i fell in love with her all over again

"YEAH"Luke shouted with excitement and judging by the look that she had on her face i could tell that she was deputing wether they could come or not, she took a glance at Luke's face and she immediately said that they could come with me

When she said yes Luke was jumping with happiness so we immediately got up from our seats and i led them to my car,Luke got in the backseat and Luce in the front beside me and i started driving right away

~time skip~

We arrived home and got out of the car and entered the house

"Make yourselves at home and I'm gonna make hot chocolate"i said Luce looked at me and said"no i can make them just show me were the kitchen is"she said but if i let her make them then my plan Wil fail and i can't afford that so i politely declined and went to the kitchen to make them
I made Luke's chocolate and i was making Luce's and i decided it was time for my plan to start so i put sleeping drug in her chocolate and i took them and served them i saw Luce taking hers and drinking it and Luke also drinking his and i was happy that they were here. After 20 minutes of me talking and playing with Luke i observed Luce and saw her sleeping so slowly i got up and took her in my arms and turned my face towards Luke and told him"little buddy I'm gonna take mommy to bed okay?"Luke gave me a nod and said"okay dad"and i told him "actually follow me i have a surprise for you" i led him to the room that i made arrangements to be made and i told him to wait for me and he gave me a nod i went to our room and i lay Luce on our bed yes our room because it will be soon i found her weak spot to make her mine and I won't hesitate to do it if i have to because i know that if things go the wrong way and i take Luke from her then in a matter of a few days she will come to me and agree to my terms but i hope it doesn't cause I don't want to see her suffering i went to Luke's room and sat beside him while he was reading a book i guess he took Luce's passion for reading and i guess it's time for interrogation"Luke can I ask you something?"i said and he said yes"how did you know who i was when you saw me? I mean you never saw me your whole life"what he said next gave me a hard shock"mom told me stories about you and showed me a lot of pictures of you"so Lucy wanted one day for me and Luke to meet that makes me happy she wanted me in their lives after that i readed him a story and he fell asleep i went to mine and Luce's room and a thought came to my mind I don't think she will be comfortable with her clothes on i smirked and took her clothes off and then mine and i took her in my arms and fell asleep

Lucy's pov


i woke up by the feeling that someone was holding me i opened my eyes and the sun was to bright so i closed them again,wait sun shit i didn't go home all night i started panicking and then i remembered the events that happened yesterday and the feeling of someone's hands around me came back so i opened my eyes and i was meet with Natsu's handsome face,wait handsome what the hell am i saying i can't fall for him i saw the results of the first time i did and let me tell you it wasn't good i tried to break free of his grip and the reality came crashing down i was naked and he was too candle up to me and i did what i thought logical i scream and he woke up and looked at me concerned"Luce what's wrong, what happened?"and then my anger took over me"why are we naked?" And the look that he gave me was that of confusion"what do you mean love don't you remember the sweet love that i made to you last night?"and the colour on my face was drained and then it hit me
1: I'm in his room
2:we were candled
3:we are naked
4:i don't remember anything that          
   happened after we came to his

He then came closer and hug me i tried to get out of his grip but guess what he has a death grip around me so i gave up i also need to tell him my decision

"Natsu"i said softly

"Yes?"he asked with a soft voice

"I made a decision about the deal that you suggested yesterday"i told him

"What's your decision?"he asked

"Luke is everything to me he is my happiness so can't lose him so I'll marry you but don't get me wrong I'm doing this only for Luke so deal"i said

"Deal"he said and shook my hand

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