Chapter 8:A fake friend got exposed

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Natsu's Pov

She was right i did say all those stuff years ago.

I can't believe i said all those things to her now that I think about it Luke is my son i need to have faith in him he would never lie and he would never hurt someone without reason.

It's evening and so many hours passed  since mine and Luce's fight.

I made my way towards the kitchen and saw Luke there eating by himself i approached him,the moment he saw me he took his plate and tried to leave but i didn't let him

"I'm sorry"i said to him

"I should have believed you not Lisanna please forgive me"i said

"You are my dad you know that I'll forgive you but don't expect mom to forgive you She won't"he forgives me?

"What do you mean?"i asked him as he sat down and started eating again

"Mom never forgives someone who has hurt her especially if that someone tells her that she didn't do a good job at raising me when she had done everything possible to make me happy and in that she has succeeded"he left me speechless

"You've heard everything didn't you?"i asked him

"You guys were loud so pretty much yeah I heard everything also mom always told me that I'm too smart for my age"he said and he is right he is not the same kid that i met yesterday he is more mature it's like your talking to a teenager not a 4 year old kid

"So how do you think that I can make your mom forgive me?"i asked him and sat beside him

"Mom needs to see that you love her and me,she needs a family if you are in love with her then i suggest you to start showing it"he's right i am in love with her and i need to make her fall in love with me too or else i will lose her and that would be my fault i already made her want to fight m

"Come on buddy it's time for bed"

We went to his room and i saw Lucy sleeping like an angel i went inside and took her in my arms

"Goodnight Luke"

"Goodnight dad"

I made my way towards our room and  i set on our bed and undressed her so that she will be comfortable and put my shirt on her

I laid next to her, took her in my arms like she would disappear if i let her go and sleep took over me

~time skip~

I woke up with sun hiting my face i opened my eyes and saw my angel in my arms with her head on my chest and her arm on my stomach sleeping with out a care on the world

I love her so much that's why I won't let her get away from me

I untangled myself from her and i let her sleep

Silently i opened the door and went out closing the door without a sound and went downstairs

Luke was awake i went to hug him but stopped dead on my tracks and hid behind the wall because I saw Lisanna there talking to Luke

"You really think that Natsu will believe you or that bitch that you have for a mother?"she asked

Did she just call Luce a bitch???

I don't like this Lisanna at all.

Luke was telling the truth and i didn't believe him

"He will believe us he love us"that made me smile he really believes in me

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