Chapter 16: That starry fire night of the past

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Natsu's Pov


When i heard Luce's voice everything around me froze

How am i suppose to act right now?

This is going to hurt a lot

I turn around and i put my fake angry look

"YOU FUCKING SLUT, YOU CHEATED ON ME?"i shouted, i want to hug her and say to her how sorry i am for acting like i believe Lisanna

when she doesn't answer i shout at her again just to make it believable


"No i didn't"she says and i believe her but Lisanna is in here and i have to act that's why i smash the vase


"I'm not lying"she says and i want to tell her that i believe her but i can't show it

That's why i got my gun out and i aim it at her

"Get out Lisanna i don't want you to get hurt"i said and she does happily

she is happy because somebody is about to die?

I feel disgusted with Lisanna

But I'm not gonna kill Luce

I'm never gonna kill the love of my life

I make the sign to Erza and she slowly comes behind Luce

Then i fire the gun.....................................

But i do it on the air

Then before Luce can say anything i signal Erza to put the cloth with the sleeping drug on her mouth

She does as she's told

Luce was resisting but she eventually gave in because of lack of breath

So she passed out

"I'll inform the guys to take Luke now quickly take her and get out of here I'll burn down the house"

"Boss are you sure isn't it a little reckless?"she asked

"Yeah it is but it's better thinking that there dead than going after and giving them hell"she nodded and left with my Luce on her arms

Soon Gray, Jellal and Juvia come down with Luke in their arms and i told them what I'm planning to do and they left

Now for plan B

I take gasoline from the garage and i put it all over the house i got out of the house with the gasoline and i put it all over the garden as well.

Lisanna saw me and came to me

"Natsu are you okay? Are you hurt? What are you doing?"she asked

I put my fake angry and hurt look and look at her and say "I'm burning the house down with them inside, i can't handle the pain she cheated on me and that damn kid is not even mine so i killed them"i said with fake hurt and angry tears

Now some people may think my plan is cruel but I'm only faking it

Sure i threatened a lot of people that I'll kill there children but I'm never gonna do it

I may be a criminal but I'm never gonna take a child's life

Also I'm never gonna kill the woman that i love

We all know that I'm never letting her out of my sight so she can never meet another man

Also she's devoted to only two men in her life me and Luke

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