Chapter 13: The plan was a success

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Lucy's Pov


I feel like my whole world collapsed, Luke is nowhere to be found Natsu has people looking for him everywhere and still nothing

Natsu is the only one who can keep me sane now. It's morning now and Natsu is holding me on his arms

In all honesty i feel safe in his arms,he is making me calm down by just holding me

"Lucy we will find him i promise"he said holding him more tightly than before and at that moment i felt like he will keep his promise

"I know you will but I'm scared what if they hurt him?"i said and started crying again

He hugged me and said"I'll make sure that he won't get hurt okay we'll find him before that okay baby now please don't cry i hate it when you're crying"i barried my head to his chest

"I'm sorry"i said to him feeling guilty

"Why are you telling me sorry baby?"he asked looking at me confused

"Because you are worried too but instead of me consoling you that you just found out you have a son and he was grabbed right out of our hands and here you are consoling me even when you are so worried about him, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"i said and hugged him

Natsu's Pov

That's the reaction i wanted for her to care for me

The plan was a success

Now all i have to do is bring Luke back cause I don't like seeing her crying for anything

In reality Luke is not kidnapped but is currently at Gray's house playing with his son

"Don't worry Lucy the police and my men are doing everything they can to bring him back"i said to her

Actually I would never get the police don't forget i am still a Mafia boss and i may have some people of the police as my men but I'm not an idiot to involve them in my job also as i said before it's not a real abduction

"Your right"she said while wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me like her life depends on it and it's the best feeling I've ever had,every time i touch her i feel complete and of course i didn't miss the sparks, when she is not around me or close to me i feel empty

"It's okay baby,everything is going to be okay"i said rubbing her back on circles with my arm

Now i need to put her to sleep so that i can proceed further with my plan

"How about a hot chocolate it will help you calm down"i said and she nodded

I got up and went in the kitchen to make the hot chocolate and Lisanna or how i love to call her the slut entered with fake care

"Natsu are you okay?"she said and touched my arm

I feel disgusted by her touch and it takes all my control not to kill her right now

The woman that i love is inside our bedroom crying from the moment she woke up for our son trying to stay as positive as she can and here that slut is trying to be supportive  while in reality she is wishing for my little boy to die in the arms of his 'kidnapers'

I really hate her and i feel disgusted with myself for even calling her my best friend and take her side when she abused my son

"I'm scared"i said faking worry and concern

"Will find him, hopefully not"she said but I didn't miss the hopefully not that she said. I'll kill her

"Yeah you're right"i said faking a sad smile at her and pretending like i didn't hear it

I finished making the chocolate and excused myself to go to Luce

Once i was out of her site i put sleeping drugs in the chocolate and after i made sure that no one saw me then i went inside the room and saw my beauty staring into nothing in particular her eyes are swollen red just like her nose from crying but she still looked beautiful but i hate seeing her crying for reasons that made her sad

I approached her and she looked at me i gave her the chocolate and said"here baby, drink this it'll make you feel better and i promise you I'll bring him back"i said to her, i hugged her and she snuggled to my chest while she was drinking slowly her chocolate

In about 10 minutes she finished her chocolate and she was sound asleep i laid her in our bed and tucked her in and left the room after locking the door

With Lisanna inside the house I'm scared about Luce's safety plus she is not gonna wake up any sooner than 8:00 i made my way towards my office and continued with the plan and of course informing Luke of what he had to do

~time skip~

I unlocked the door to our room and went inside along with someone and the moment he saw her sleeping he runs to her side and hugs her

Lucy's Pov

I feel someone hugging me and i open my eyes to see my little boy hugging me i smile and hug him back then i look at Natsu and mouth to him a small 'thank you' and pat the empty space on the bed

Narrator's Pov

Natsu was excited so he went and sat beside the love of his life and their son

Natsu wrapped his arm around Luce and she leans her head on his chest while Luke was talking to them

Luke of course lied to his mother and told her that he was asleep during the time of the kidnapping and when he woke up he was in his father's arms

Natsu said that the kidnappers told him to deliver 2.000.000 Dollars at the park and then they told him Luke's location and he found him on a Wearhouse unconscious and he already called a doctor and checked Luke and that he is completely fine

Luce was happy that her little buddle of joy is fine and that Natsu kept his promise

Natsu on the other hand was happy that she is happy and that they actually are like a family

Both Luke and Luce were smiling and laughing

And that made him feel pride that he was the reason that they were smiling

Luke was smiling because he is having his family whole like all the other kids in the world plus he had fun playing with Storm

Lucy was smiling cause she has her son and the man she secretly loved close to her and they were like a family

Natsu was smiling cause that's what he wanted his Luce with their son close to him and smiling

And he felt proud that he was the cause of their smile

They stayed up all night talking and laughing like a real family and fell asleep in the morning Natsu held his Lucy tightly in his arms and Luce was hugging Natsu and Luke that was between them


Hello my beautiful and handsome readers

Soon enough Natsu's plan to get rid of Lisanna and make her pay for what she's done is coming in Chapter 14 or 15


Love you all


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