Chapter 14:Her plan is my plan

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Natsu's Pov



I woke up and couldn't stop the smile on my face as i watched my beautiful Luce and our son sleeping next to me and candling me

It just made me happy

Then i felt Luce stir in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes and the moment that she looked at the position that the three of us are she smiled and whispered "goodmorning"to me and i could see in her eyes mixed emotions like administration, adoration and love?... I'm not sure but there is something in those beautiful eyes

"Goodmorning how did you sleep?"i whispered back

"I slept well what about you?"she whispered

"It was the best sleep of my life, come on let's get downstairs and let him sleep"i whispered she nodded and i stretch my hand towards her and she holds it and at that moment i felt the sparks

She felt it too cause she gasped

She tried to let go of my hand but i held her hand tightly but not enough to hurt her

We made our way downstairs we made our way to the kitchen unfortunately she let go of my hand to make breakfast and trust me when i say that i want to wake up everyday with the sight of my beautiful Luce smiling at me

After a while of me watching Luce and her making breakfast Luke woke up and sat beside me

"Goodmorning"he said

Upon hearing his voice Luce turned around with the brightest smile and said goodmorning too

"Goodmorning baby, how did you sleep?"Luce asked

"I slept good"

He said rubbing his eyes

"Not a morning person hmm?"

I asked him

"Not at all i don't like waking up this early"he said and luce set the table

"Breakfast is ready boys"she said,man i love her

~Time Skip~

"So Natsu is there any kindergarden close by?"luce asked me

"Yeah Gray's son is going to a close by kindergarden"i said

She nodded and then she said"you know we should go and enroll him right now so let's go and get ready"she got up and took my hand to pull me up

I'm so excited

I'm gonna finally be alone with my Luce

~time skip~

We were in the car we just left from the kindergarden and Luce was quiet

"Why are you so quiet?"i asked her

"Hmm? Nothing I'm just thinking everything that happened in there"

She means the kindergarden, there was a child there that lost both his parents and he wasn't talking or eating or anything he had only an angry look in his eyes

"What will happen to Luke if something happens to us?"she asked

"Nothing is gonna happen to us but even if something does happen i would trust Gray and Juvia with Luke he maybe a pervert but Juvia is making him a better person and he is my best friend also he was your best friend at high school too"i said and hold her hand she didn't take it so we're good

"Your right Gray is the best person for this plus i wouldn't trust my parents with Luke i think that you remember how they were with you when we started dating or how they were with our friends"she has a point they were and still are crazy people

"Can i ask you something?"

"Ask away"she said

"If there is someone that wants to take the people you love away from you because that someone has an obsession with you and you knew what that someone's plan was what would you do?"i asked i mean i know that if i go along with her plan i have more chances of destroying her but Luce was always calm and smart that's why I need to confirm if she would do the same

"Depends is it real i mean is something wrong?"she asked

"No hypothetically talking"

"I would go along with the plan and when i would find the perfect opportunity i would end this but i would try to be careful cause if he or she realises that i knew the plan he or she would make a new plan or i would be in danger"she said

So i was right

~time skip~


it's midnight now and Luce and i are ready to sleep

"Goodnight"she says as she lays next to me

Not so fast baby why not tease you a little bit

I started touching her thighs and then her arms and she gasped then shivered

She has the same reaction as all those years ago which means that she is hot and bothered ready to submit to me

She turns around and says"stop"

"Why should i stop?"i asked her

"Because I'm not gonna have sex with you"she said

I don't want to have sex with her i want to make love to her

"Who said anything about having sex?"i saw her face turning red from embarrassment

"We can do much more than that"i whispered into her ear and then i start kissing her neck finding her sweet spot, biting it and that earned me the most beautiful sound her moan

"See you want it too"i said to her and i climbed on top of her

"No i don't"she said while looking at my eyes with lust

"Baby your actions says otherwise"i said while kissing and liking her jaw

"Your mine"i said and before she can respond i kiss her senseless

She kissed me back and i felt the sparks

She was responding to me

And just as i was about to take off her shirt the door of our room opened

And guess who it was

My best friend Gray

"Umm... sorry to interrupt but Natsu we need to talk"Gray said and then he turned to Luce and said"oh hi Lucy it's been so long how you've been?"

"Fine thanks"she responded obviously embarrassed because we were caught red handed

"Go"she said

I looked at Luce and i know that once i get back in our room she's gonna say that it was a mistake even though she wants it as much as i do but she is still scared of what happened in the past

I got up kissed her lips and without waiting for her reaction i left with Gray

"So i see things are going well between you two"he said

"I am trying to make her mine again"i said

"You'll get her trust me on that"he says

"So what are we gonna do about Lisanna?"he asked me

"Actually Luce gave me an idea about how to handle Lisanna"that's right

Her plan is my plan


Hey guys I'm sorry for the long wait

Also chapter 15 is going to be out in a few weeks


Love you all

BYE ❣️❣️❣️

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